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  1. Vahn

    old sketches and drawings

    I was looking trough my old sketchbooks and drawings form the last 5 years and decided to post some :) Here this are hand sketches from my very first sketchbook, i started in winter 99 : I often sat in a cafe during free classes and drew from magazines : This i...
  2. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    hehe... thx ... its good to get feedback :D
  3. Vahn

    My Splash.

    music takes a long time to load..... but its really cool :)
  4. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    here this is a little better:
  5. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    dont like the colors in the burger pic ... but i didnt have enough time to go over it again :o
  6. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    i had another round :)
  7. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    i made quick pencil sketches .. scanned them and added color in Photoshop
  8. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    topic #1 : draw someone sleeping in bed ...a window casting light and blood dripping on his forehead from the ceiling lol
  9. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    hehe i couldnt choose ... i had to draw what i was told :D
  10. Vahn

    funny artwork :D

    I was playin a game with a friend on msn messenger.. where u give each other a topic he must draw then... u have about 10 minutes and then u send each other the result ... then u give the next topic :D here are some result from last night :rolling: the last one was...
  11. Vahn

    Vote for Art Contest Week 21

    cool i got votes ! Hoooooooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :P
  12. Vahn

    Drawing Game :)

    lol .... :D
  13. Vahn

    Drawing Game :)

    hehe no hurry plz... i just wanted to move the thread up :frog: :)
  14. Vahn

    Drawing Game :)

    i want to see something! :P
  15. Vahn

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 21 Discussion

    yes i just painted over the doom face :)
  16. Vahn

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 21 Discussion

    sometimes u can see the weapon frome the side wich explains my gun position :P altough i regret my entry being too dark and not pixly enough :x
  17. Vahn

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 21

    entry #2 by Vahn well... the last 3 hours were a lot of fun :D
  18. Vahn

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 21 Discussion

    well actually i found a way to do it... well see mabe ill do an entry :D
  19. Vahn

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 21 Discussion

    lol fenric i wont give up i just dont know how to do it :)
  20. Vahn

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 21 Discussion

    hehe i lack the necessary skill to participate ... ill skip this one :x