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  1. T

    The AI!??

    Nope. I am 90% sure that Valve has never said anything about whether the AI in the videos was or was not turned down at all. That is the conclusion many people on the forum have come to based on things like the friendly AI and the fact that the combine weren't being as smart as HL1 enemies. But...
  2. T

    Something to ponder.... A hint of things to come?

    What's with all the hostility? I doubt this theory is correct, but why are so many people finding it necessary to hurl insults? It is an original idea at least. I've wondered how Alyx and other Black Mesa survivors will view Gordon, since his feats from the first game were pretty superhuman. I...
  3. T

    Manipulator and turrets?

    AIMBOT!!!!!! Actually that sounds cool. I hope we can do it.
  4. T

    Why can't Gabe answer?

    Well maybe Gabe won't answer because he's being cautious. They could have run into some snags lately that might push the release back. He might not want to say anything until it becomes more clear whether they'll make the original date or not.
  5. T

    Should the G-Man be killable?

    I think I should have given this thread a different name. I think we can all agree that there will be no blowing the G-Man's head off while he's talking or anything dumb like that. What I meant was should there be an intentional, climatic showdown with the G-Man. Maybe not even necessarily a...
  6. T

    Should the G-Man be killable?

    Yeah, I believe there was a preview where they said the line between enemies and friends would be blurry. Plus, Gabe has gone on and on about how these characters will elicit emotions from us, so really the story should be something to behold. However, it's hard to see how the Combine could be...
  7. T

    Combine soldiers rank in squads?

    OK, sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't get it because there is still controversy about whether the soldiers are aliens, humans, some kind of hybrid, or something else.
  8. T

    Cool idea for using monitor technology

    Like "Aliens" where they watched from the APC! When I got the "Aliens vs Predator" demo it had little camera screens in the APC and I thought it was showing real-time views from squadmates. Turns out they were looping smacker files but with HL2 we could do it!
  9. T

    Combine soldiers rank in squads?

    I'm not trying to be a smartass, but the game does take place in a European city, so British, French, and other accents should be common place, right? The idea about the rankings is interesting. I wonder if there will be any elite Combine soldiers who make an appearance.
  10. T

    WHERE does it say AI was toned down?

    $niper, if you read this, maybe you can comment. Somebody said they thought that Sven had been talking to the Valve people and that the enemy Combine had "stay put" flags enabled. Can you confirm or deny that?
  11. T

    Should the G-Man be killable?

    Heh heh, that sounds just like him. Personally, I think a betrayal of some sort is very likely. Gabe Newell has stressed that character development is one of their main focuses (focii?) in this game, so I'm sure plot twists are going to play a part here. I mean, how long can Gordon remain...
  12. T

    Should the G-Man be killable?

    What do you guys think? If you were designing Half-Life 2 would you have a final showdown with the G-Man? Or should he remain an untouchable figure who manipulates from the shadows? Should the G-Man "win" when all is said and done or should the player get a chance to double-cross or outsmart the...
  13. T

    Cool idea for using monitor technology

    You know how the tech demo shows that real-time video/monitor? What I would love to see is some sort of defense map where you've got a central command room with videos of key points in your base. Maybe there could be some rudimentary ordering capabilities like "Team A move to Hall B" or...
  14. T

    Different Character

    It would be a lot easier to decide after the game comes out and we know who all the characters are! Well my first thought is a strider, as I'm sure many people will think. Can't get much better than that! The gunship would also be cool, doing strafing runs as a little Gordon Freeman runs for...
  15. T

    WHERE does it say AI was toned down?

    I'll probably get flamed, but as far as I know we have absolutely nothing from official sources about the AI in the videos being toned down or even "turned off" as some have put it. And yet, everybody seems to think it's a well-established fact. I've seen at least one person say that Gabe said...
  16. T

    Scripted sequence

    Probably wishful thinking, but maybe the Combine soldier was shooting in that area to keep Gordon from leaving the room? I'd have to examine the video a little closer but maybe he was trying to pin Gordon down while his buddy came to knock the door down.
  17. T

    Scripted sequence

    Lol, that's pretty funny! I know sometimes I fall victim to wanting to find every last secret, story bit, etc. in a game when I should probably just be relaxing and enjoying it. That brings me to another point, sorry I'm getting a little off-topic, but sometimes I feel like games function less...
  18. T

    Scripted sequence

    On the same line of thought, I like it in games where there are conversations you can overhear, which most modern FPS's seem to have. Unfortunately, there seems to be an unavoidable problem that sometimes you will accidently interrupt the conversation by attacking or maybe miss it altogether if...
  19. T

    RTS Mod

    Has anyone here played QWar2? It was a mod for Quake 2 that let you order around Strogg in a pseudo-RTS way. There was a lot of room for improvement of course. The Quake 2 AI wasn't the best at pathfinding, the interface was clunky, and the resource gathering model was simply finding energy...
  20. T

    Scripted sequence

    You know, in that Tunnels video, if I was playing I probably would have shot that Combine who says "Hold it there!" and not seen the impaling sequence (if I killed the soldier fast enough, that is)! How are you supposed to know you aren't supposed to shoot him?