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  1. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    OK....I dare anyone here to live in the persons situation thats poor. If its "No excuse to be poor". You think its no excuse? You think ANYONE can afford broadband huh? Lets see you go to their house look at their budget and show them where to get the money from. Which kid starves so the...
  2. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Ermm....when i said "LETS SAY I LIVE IN THE PROJECTS"... thats called an example. No offense but i dont think you understood i mean that. I wasnt saying i LIVED in the projects. Wanna hear my sad story??? And yes i knows theres worse before someone makes the comment because people always do...
  3. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    When i had 56k i won matches and i was happy to be one too because for months my mother insisted that i keep our 32.2 because 56k was probably gonna cost more or something. lol.
  4. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    LOL poor edge has been so "owned" (As you say). Your argument has been proven wrong EVEN by a the actual definition of the word gamer and yet you still think your right which just proves youre a troll. But im beggining to think you must have a good job. You offer (after my remark) to pay for...
  5. Assassin X


    You are the kid here. Own, moron, stupid kids. What are you 12? You talk like one. I play HL2DM all the time and see scores like 150/1 and all that person does is camp powerful weapon. Not to mention the Hacks that are out now. Yes there are hacks and you cant say they arent because they...
  6. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Oh i get it now LATENCY. For the last time i have better things to do , unlike you, then sit here hitting the refresh button on this topic every 5 seconds.
  7. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    I never implied that. Where did you pull that out of? This topic was to state that people with 56k most of the time dont have it by choice! Companies can make games however they want dont put words in my mouth. Get this unlike you i have an excuse for bad grammer but as soon as i bring...
  8. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Im a poser lol. Yeah i am. That doesnty even make sense. Are you pissed because i nailed it now and your screwed? Or i nailed it and your screwed. First its called ENGLISH.....type in it so i UNDERSTAN IT. Second i do sleep and i dont spend every freaking minute on here llike you do...
  9. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    HERE YOU GO EDGE YOUR WRONG ABOUT 56KERS BEING POSERS gam·er Listen: [ gmr ] n. One who plays a game, especially a role-playing or computer game. Found that in a dictionary. It doesnt say: "One who plays a game, ONLY if they have a broadband connection." This is my other...
  10. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Well seeing as how your just an something else i cant mention it seems... Well then maybe you should act like it then. Trying to game to best of their ability. God forbid anyone should have fun. You buy what you can. Theres no such thing as "Skimpy". I mean threres such a thing as crappy...
  11. Assassin X


    That score is called "I camped and shot people as they spawned with my revolver and whatever else i could". Big deal. LOL.
  12. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    I noticed that but didnt want to sound mean. lol. But you got it wrong Pickers, they not REAL parents their POSERS too. They, like 56kers, are poor because their lazy too. Isnt that right Edge? I mean that is your logic? :|
  13. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    I just got like a Basic DSL myself. They offered me a Double Bandwith thing but we cant afford it. But hell my ping is like 30 so i could care! But non the less we still barley make ends meet. Ill never be able to have an Online Game that you have to pay for. I tried Star Wars Galaxies for 3...
  14. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    OK...... I got one for you since your better and there just cheap and lazy and whatever. YOU PAY FOR THERE CONNECTION. GO head. Your just so high and mighty. Talk the talk and walk the walk. If not then shut up and let them play because in the gaming world gamers come in EVERY FORM...
  15. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    You are not gamers you are posers. Get a real connect. EDGE........ speechless...... ive never seen someone so stupid in my life. Posers??? LOL. I didnt know gamer could be "posers". You think just because anyone one of you that puts down 56kers got a...
  16. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    I hated 56k and it drove me bonkers and we had DSL and all the best (Cleveland, OH) forever but we didnt get DSL until like a few years ago. I know ill get yelled at for saying this but the people that dont get it are probably teens that have been spoiled and dont know what "going without"...
  17. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    It seems some people are to darn stupid to understand anything and YES i made another post. Studies shows the same things recently: 1 out of every 15 gamers is a low income family and cant afford anything but staying with the 56k modem. This was on Yahoo news and there has been other...
  18. Assassin X


    Personaly i hated HL for one reason. I started playing it again again after about a year and suddenly there was like 100,000 maps! Id rather just download a 100,000 map pack and have all the maps then have to download a new map every time a join a server.
  19. Assassin X


    Way to much unzzipping? Wow yur lazy. Or you could highlite ALL the maps an unzip em all to your MAPS folder. If you unzip them one by one you deserve the long wait. lol. As for Autodownload. WTF? By the time i download a map i already downloaded both of these map packs and am already...
  20. Assassin X

    **Discovered way to get to off-limit areas in DMmaps!!**

    Im still lost how is anybody doing all this stuff???