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  1. efter

    RIP Habeas Corpus

    No Limit is correct. They have changed the definitions, it's ultimately up to the president. He can label any US citizen an enemy combatant now, after all if we're not with him we're with Al'Quada remember???. You should check out HR6166 as well. That legislation was passed before the Military...
  2. efter

    Monitors not working correctly

    There are at least 13 monitor textures, and the one with the clearest picture is dev_comintmonitor1a.
  3. efter

    Monitors not working correctly

    also, you may want to select the "face" box, sometimes the image projected be the camera can be reversed as well if the texture is "world".
  4. efter

    Compile error

    Two things you can try... 1. Open up HLMV, and leave it open, compile the model -OR- 2. Multi-step solution a. run the game you wish to compile for, and exit that game. b. copy every file EXCEPT TrackerNET.dll and TrackerUI.dll from that game's "bin" directory (ex...
  5. efter

    help connecting lights to an object

    use light_dynamic, give your func_door a name, and parent the light_dynamic to the func_door. Normal lights can't move with entities. But be aware that light_dynamic is an expensive light to use, too many could slow things down.
  6. efter

    Project a cameras view on a brush?

    To create the projected image, however, you must create a brush, tie it to func_monitor, and texture one side of it with one of the dev_tvmonitor textures, I prefer dev_comintmonitor1a as it seems to have the clearest picture, but there are several you can try. Be sure to "fit" the monitor...
  7. efter

    Newb question on custom textures

    first it's VMT, make sure you haven't erroniously named it VTM, make sure your base TGA is either 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, or some variation of these sizes, i.e. 256x512 will also work, before dragging and dropping onto vtex.exe. If you have done everything to the letter and it STILL...
  8. efter

    problems compiling with LOD models

    OK I figured out what was wrong here. First, my LOD smd was not using the same texture as the REF smd. (an expression made famous by Homer J. Simpson comes to mind...) Second, I was trying to $lod the mdl name "w_oster000" instead of the REF file which is named "w_oster000_ref" $lod 20 {...
  9. efter

    problems compiling with LOD models

    Nope, adding $lod 0 is something I did in the process of trying different things. Just to humor the situation I've removed $lod 0 (again) and tried to compile, but I got the exact same error. Where ever I have been able to find info on this, it's always pointing to this format. From what I...
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    problems compiling with LOD models

    I have some prop_physics models I wish to compile with LOD models, but every time I try I get this error. ERROR: Unknown replace model w_oster000. I have tried everything I can think of, and searched the forums, nothing has worked. If I simply remove the $lod related lines from the .qc the...
  11. efter

    mdldecompiler issues

    have you extracted the .vtx from the gcf, using something like GCFScape? Although I have never de-compiled any game models, I would guess the decompiler would need the actual vtx files, which are buried inside gcf archives.
  12. efter

    MDL decompiler Error!!! plz help

    find your GameInfo.txt file for the game your sdk is set up for (ex. C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%username%\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp for deathmatch) null out the line that says ToolsAppId 211 so it looks like this //ToolsAppId 211 that should fix your Extra App ID...
  13. efter

    Strange effect after buildcubemaps

    LOL, you're right. I have replaced those images with the correct ones. Please recheck them. Thanks for noticing. And on my machine the cubemap function seems to be working just fine, check out this mirror, you can't make a mirror without cubemaps :cheers...
  14. efter

    Problem with character models

    I'm gonna take a guess and say no. But what you might try is loading hammer normally once you're ready to do a final compile, and see if your map will load, then just F9 it. My hammer doesn't crash untill I start moving the camera view around (with an NPC in the map), I can still *load* a map...
  15. efter

    Strange effect after buildcubemaps

    these screenshots say it better than I can and this is how it *should* look
  16. efter

    Problem with character models

    FreemanHL2 try this: go to your C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%username%\sourcesdk\bin folder and create a desktop shortcut for hammer.exe Under the properties of this shortcut type the following into the Target box %sourcesdk%\bin\hammer.exe -dxlevel 80 -game "C:\Program...
  17. efter

    Total Noob tutorials?

    these are nice too
  18. efter

    what happened to akilling?

    A replacement site has been set up here I haven't checked every link, but they seem to be up and working.
  19. efter

    Custom Music Problem

    ambient_generics often don't function like they should, especially if it happens to be an mp3. If you just have one sound file to play, whether it plays once or looped, you would be better off to use an env_soundscape, and standard PCM wav files, try the mp3, but in my experience waves are...
  20. efter

    Problem with character models

    same here, NPC's crash hammer. No idea how to get around this right now.