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  1. leadphalanx

    My homemade.... uh... lighter fluid thingy

    One time me and a buddy of mine took the gunpowder out of a few fireworks, and filled a pen with it, and put one of those little firecracker things in party poppers with the string in the tip of the pen, so the string stuck out of the tip, we tied a bit of yarn to that, stood about 3 feet away...
  2. leadphalanx

    headlong source

    I am attempting to create headlong from halo2 in source, from scratch. I'm trying to get it as close to the game as possible. The trees are only placeholders, as I still need to find a decent palm tree model. tell me what you think: I just finished with this road texture:
  3. leadphalanx

    VTOL brush prefab

    Bored again today, and since I think VTOL's are nifty, I am working on a prefab VTOL. It is fully flyable, with the capability to take off and land verticly. While in forward flight, the rotors tilt forward. The rotors will face upwards while not moving forwards, or if you press the right...
  4. leadphalanx


    yet again... bored...
  5. leadphalanx


    Sorry for the double post, but I'm wondering if anyone has noticed the new screens above ^
  6. leadphalanx


    I am going to have half of it models, the other half func_detail, as that will be alot smoother than just func_details, or just models.
  7. leadphalanx


    I got bored, so I threw something together in hammer:
  8. leadphalanx

    How do I make a brush based vehicle

    yea, the whole button method, not the greatest, as you fall right off of the vehic most of the time. But for hl2 and hl2dm, look for a tutorial on a brush jet, which explains how to get the gameui/prisonerpod working, and combine it with how the thrusters/logic are set up in that c:ss vehicle...
  9. leadphalanx

    Mech based off CH

    I wish I could model... I am trying to learn though.
  10. leadphalanx

    Mech based off CH

    Well, I've been bored again, so I got on chromehounds, and started to build my mech from CH in hammer. I only have the legs and a sniper rifle so far, and both are both still WIP. If you've played CH, you will probobly recognise the legs, as theyh are the legs you recieve during the soldier...
  11. leadphalanx


    I've been fixing up some of the lighting, and re-did a couple of textures from scratch. I started to add some of the smaller, yet important bits, like supports for the catwalks, etc. Some new screenies: Just had to show a pic of this texture.... it just looks cool. ^
  12. leadphalanx


    Just for the hell of it, I changed some of the lights to white lights, rather than red-ish. It gives it a different feel, but I prefer the red lighting more. Anyways, I want some opinions on wich lighting looks better. (note: the cubemaps aren't built in the pics) Also, I've added a few...
  13. leadphalanx

    Help with sprites

    I'm trying to spruce up a few lights with sprites, but the only problem is that they will not appear in-game, Is there something special I need to do to get them working? edit: im getting this error message in the console: Precache of sprites/blueflare1 ambigious (no extension specified)...
  14. leadphalanx

    Howitzer StuG III 10.5cm

    pretty nice vegeta, and to answer your question, I just eye it. I've never really used actual measurments or anything, I just look at a few photos and make it.
  15. leadphalanx

    Howitzer StuG III 10.5cm

    update I made the treads/wheels, and did a quick texture job to see how it looked. Don't know whats up with the last pic ^
  16. leadphalanx

    Howitzer StuG III 10.5cm

    Hmm... A tut on just on brushwork would be pretty hard to do, or atleast explain in steps.... And why would you want it to fall down a hill, when you could just drive it down the hill and blow whatever is at the bottom to peices. I am planning on making it driveable, along...
  17. leadphalanx

    Howitzer StuG III 10.5cm

    Well, I'm bored again, and playing an old map, I noticed how ugly that old tank of mine was........ so I decided to make a new one. after a bit of googling I found some pics of an old german tank, the Howitzer StuG III 10.5cm After a couple of hours tinkering around in hammer: (still very...
  18. leadphalanx

    a little project im working on..

    I've been working on this little "side" project for a while now. It's just something I'm doing for fun, but I'm planning on making it into a dm map later on, with an interior to run around in. And to answer your next question, no, you can't fly it (although i made a shrunk down version thats...
  19. leadphalanx


    Thanks for all the C&C I've been needing it alot, (most other forums just say "texturZ sux!") but, All the detailed advice is VERY helpfull, as lighting and textures are my weakest points when it comes to mapping. Btw, I don't know if you've played the (rather dull) beta, but how many of...
  20. leadphalanx


    to all who can't get onto {eon8} Complete As of July 1st, 2006, the E8 Project has completed. The purpose of this project was to determine the reactions of the internet public to lack of information. History The domain was chosen, as it is short, easily remembered...