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  1. C

    Your Half-Life 2 Desk-top!

    heres mine... Image: Countdown_HL2_Large.jpg
  2. C

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    just do it for 1 month and activate hl2 when its released... Then play offline mode to play hl2...
  3. C

    Half-Life 2 Countdown Wallpaper

    Ok I just added the true Half-Life 2 logos and the counter is at the bottom now... Check it out… Image: Countdown_HL2_Large.jpg Download: Half-Life_2_Countdown_HL2.rar PS: Color for BG = -------------- Hue: 160 Sat: Lum: 57 -------------- Red: 61 Green: 61 Blue: 61
  4. C

    Half-Life 2 Countdown Wallpaper

    why arnt images shown? why are they linked
  5. C

    Half-Life 2 Countdown Wallpaper

    i just got mine up if yas want its prety much the same as the original one but has the prepare to get ownd and is black and grey insted... Half-Life_2_Countdown_Grey_and_Black.rar
  6. C

    Your Half-Life 2 Desk-top!

    oh ok..
  7. C

    Your Half-Life 2 Desk-top!

    Nice dude... one thing though I wouldn’t put the speakers so close to the LCD screen... unless they are magnetically shielded...
  8. C there going to be laser trip mines or satchel charges?

    oh ok if so then we will see then ay... :)
  9. C there going to be laser trip mines or satchel charges?

    I was browsing around the gcf's and I came across a HL2 font file containing all the HUD icons in font form and its unencrypted (spoiler)
  10. C

    Half-Life "squared"

    This thread is regarding the closed thread made quite some time ago... I wanted to add VALVe probably knowingly made it look like the “squared” symbol probably because HL1 was in fact the second game they made. HL1 was scraped and...
  11. C

    Now what're we going to talk about?

    we have hl2.php to work out... VALVe will update the thing soon and the game will start again i rkn...
  12. C

    Shadow 'bug' also present in DX: Invisible War

    that is just a map error not a bug in the engine.
  13. C

    For the people who wanted a true hl2 mp.

    He said "right now," so he is saying no there isn’t any DM or CTF but maybe in the future either they or the mod community will release the modes. So your answer is no, but there is the possibility someone will make it either VALVe or the mod community... but you have a better chance of DNF...
  14. C

    Original HL development info / screenies?

    Cant believe VALVe had the same sort of shadow problems even back then with a dif engine...
  15. C

    Original HL development info / screenies? there is some stuff at near the bottom of the page...
  16. C

    Anyone else want picture of the Own3d Scanner Pinata?

    ok sorry mate. but it was needed that time... :rolling:
  17. C

    Anyone else want picture of the Own3d Scanner Pinata?

    wow... very bad mental image... :flame:
  18. C

    Anyone else want picture of the Own3d Scanner Pinata?

    :bounce: u r gay :bounce: what? i mean your happy right?
  19. C

    Nov 16 12:01am.....

    why 01? 12:00AM LA time it will be released...
  20. C

    Hl2 Is Goldddddd!!!!

    thats great...