there going to be laser trip mines or satchel charges?


Oct 3, 2004
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Please tell me there are. So much fun setting up those trip mines, going into a room of baddies, firing a few pistol rounds into the air, let them run after me, disrupt the laser, hear that nice "beep" them go "oh shit" and then KABOOOOM.
Alientank said:
Please tell me there are. So much fun setting up those trip mines, going into a room of baddies, firing a few pistol rounds into the air, let them run after me, disrupt the laser, hear that nice "beep" them go "oh shit" and then KABOOOOM.

God I hope so. Booby traps were so fun in HL, they better bring them back. A really powerful satchel charge (with the power of like 5 trip mines) with a long-distance detinator would be great... imagine how fun it would be to see a group of Combine fly 40ft in the air. :cheese:
that would be rad ... but we havent seen any of that ... hmmm ... hopefully we're in for some surprises
it would be high on the modlist if they arent im sure
I love those wall mines. They were SO fun!! :D
Would be cool if they werer back but i wouldnt mind.
Booby traps? FWIW, the entire town of Ravenholm is one big booby trap, so you'll probably get your fix there. Also, those two weapons made sense in the context of the first game; they were military-type weapons used by the Marines. Assuming HL2 follows suit(pun:intended), then there will likely be some Combine munitions strewn about that fit similar roles.
Mad Dog said:
Booby traps? FWIW, the entire town of Ravenholm is one big booby trap, so you'll probably get your fix there. Also, those two weapons made sense in the context of the first game; they were military-type weapons used by the Marines. Assuming HL2 follows suit(pun:intended), then there will likely be some Combine munitions strewn about that fit similar roles.

And what? An Stinger missle isn't military hardware? What about the OWIC(sp?) rifle? Trip mines and satchel charges would fit right in, and be awsome for setting up YOUR OWN booby traps and not just playing around with the built-in ones.

Ravenholm will be fun for sure, but you can't really be serious about not wanting trip mines and satchel charges... imagine the possibilities.
I think Mad Dog was saying that there probably will be similar Combine weapons...

Mad Dog said:
there will likely be some Combine munitions strewn about that fit similar roles.
Brian Damage said:
I think Mad Dog was saying that there probably will be similar Combine weapons...

Yeah, I just re-read his post; I must have missed that bit the first time around.

I just hope they have tripmines and such... futuristic Combine variants would be nice (hopefully with an "invisible" laser this time around.)
Yeah, tripmines and satchels! Cant wait too see my buds get blown to pieces by them in the multiplayer.
Oh. Right. There is none :x
Personally, i never saw the usefullness of the trip mines. The satchel charges were pretty sweet, but I always used them like grenades, except for a couple puzzles (ie the elevator with the trip mines at the top of the shaft). To me the tripmines were good for leading us into traps ala residue processing, but I never really used them. But, they better put some nice high powered explosives in there besides the RPG, because I want to play with blowing up the physics. I guess manipulator will have to do if hey dont include it.

Jesus Lincoln said:
Good point, Father Greigori is the new satchel

hehe, satchel
Please don't spam.

And I never found the trip mines too useful in single player, though I've seen them put to good use in multiplayer. Sachels on the other hand were good for sp because the ai ignored them, but had limited uses in mp.
Tripmines were good in SP vs melee enemies, eg place the mine on the ground (don't think it works outside, now that I think of it) and "lead" the enemies toward the mine by taking cover out of sight, or just running out of range. Then shoot the mine with glock as they near it.
I was browsing around the gcf's and I came across a HL2 font file containing all the HUD icons in font form and its unencrypted (spoiler)
and I didn’t see many items like the old HL1 just a few weapons and them bugs in bug bait...
If it's the HL2 font file that's been posted here umpteen times, it's incomplete...
Reaction to coZ post:
Not many weapons? bah. It was one of the things I really liked about HL!, the shitload of guns.
Brian Damage said:
If it's the HL2 font file that's been posted here umpteen times, it's incomplete...

oh ok if so then we will see then ay... :)
I am pretty sure we'll all be surprised at what weapons etc "haven't" yet been shown...

And from playing CS:S, explosions and physics are a match made in heaven, so I am sure that Valve will make the most of it... :thumbs: