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  1. Uh-Oh

    Seriously the hitboxes

    Yeah, there is some severe hitbox lagging. I'm with the guys that think a person who pays for high spend internet should get his "true" ping and not some shitty compensation for people with 56K users. In it's current form, the gameplay can become quite frustrating... If you spectate players...
  2. Uh-Oh

    Post your best Sprays

    hubba hubba!
  3. Uh-Oh

    Animated sprays

    For the love of god! Not another crude immature p0rn spray of a woman being f***ed by a dog. GROW UP DAMNIT! Can't you people be creative.... no.. just gotta go with the "classic" 2 men f***ing a watermelon spray... Sorry.. had to vent.. Just do a search on the steampowered forum...
  4. Uh-Oh

    The Problem

    Funny you say that, I always find PLENTY of full servers. I guess it depends on when you play. Also, don't forget that the game hasn't reached stores yet. What does that mean? Well, to play, right now you need a credit card. Normal people + credit card + internet = panic attack. Now...
  5. Uh-Oh

    Turn On TRUEFORM

    Can anyone do a before and after screenshots, and at the highest settings? Cause I'm running on all high (models and textures and all). Thanks, that would be greatly appreciated. If you want to test it for overall fps value, use these commands in the console to record a demo. record...
  6. Uh-Oh

    Post your best Sprays

    Here is my latest. It seems to gather quite some attention.
  7. Uh-Oh

    9800 pro fps

    I have: P4 2.8 "C" Abit IC7 (i875 chipset) 2x512MB of DDR400 in dual channel. ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB Windows XP pro sp1 Catalyst 4.7 (I'll upgrade when the 4.10 are out) In-game settings: 1280x960 All settings at highest. V-Sync OFF AA at OFF AF at Trilinear Result: 30 to...
  8. Uh-Oh

    PC Gamer(UK) 96% Bought?

    "An objective review" Think about what you just wrote. Hint, there is no such things has obective reviews... There is no such thing has an unbiased opinion. The word subjective applies to both.
  9. Uh-Oh

    Post your best Sprays

    Here are the 3 ones I made so far. They are just practice sprays. The beetle one was to understand how well the transparencies would work, and the 2 others were for dimension and weigh tests. Turns out, you can make really high quality spreays if you spend more then 5 minutes.
  10. Uh-Oh

    NOOOOOO how do i stop this from happening.

    no.. try putting it to application pref, and set it in the cs options.
  11. Uh-Oh

    If I have an Nvidia card...

    I don't think shaders have been implemented so far. I have seen a bit of bump and specular lights though.
  12. Uh-Oh

    MY problem [pic inside]

  13. Uh-Oh

    No more de_dust for me. Not in this lifetime.

    Pros: Good, simple level design. Action paced. Nice layout. The new additons are good. Cons: -Played since the dawn of the world. -Too simple level design makes it only worthy of 20 minute matches. -Lacks the panache the source engine was made to dish out. If terrorists camp, they...
  14. Uh-Oh

    Go go Total Sytem Crash

    Wow, way too general. Could even be unrelated. Overheating: -CPU -Motherboard -Videocard Weak powersupply Defective Memory Defective Motherboard General software crash -Windows -Steam -Counter-Strike Source Driver crash and finally... killer rodents.
  15. Uh-Oh

    How do you enable V-Sync?

    He is right about losing "performance", in the sense that you will be locked at your refresh rate (60, 72, 75, 85, 100. Usualy 60) and that if your computer cannot render the X FPS needed, it will be cut in halves, till it can render that half (if I remember correctly), like 60, then 30, then...
  16. Uh-Oh

    is anyone still havin problems with css?

    I had the Crash to desktop problem. Nothing would solve it (I tried EVERYTHING that was suggested). I simply uninstalled steam, and re-downloaded it. Works just fine now.
  17. Uh-Oh

    Insane FPS problem

    Intel P4 2.8C 1024MB DDR 400 Dual Channel Memory ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128 Catalyst 3.8 WinXP Pro I get very good results (can play CS:S in 1280x1024, all high, 8x AF). Have you tried un-installing your video card? Have you updated your system drivers with the latest from the net...
  18. Uh-Oh

    benchmark question???

    Even with a 9800pro, I wouldn't suggest more then 4x AA. If you are playing in higher resolution, 2x is usually the best performance / image quality ratio. Also, try AF (ansiotropic filtering) it works wonders. For a 9800 pro, 8x should be good. I'm in a hurry so I can't explain what it...
  19. Uh-Oh

    CS:S crashes, pic inside

    It's not my smeelly socks either, I just got a clean pair and it didn't help... well it did help, but only me, not the computer.
  20. Uh-Oh

    Is my CS:S folder supposed to be 22MB?

    BUT DOES IT WORK??? sorry.. going bonkers. well.. doesn't really matter, I need to go train then go sleep. I guess I'll try again tomorrow... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000000000000000oooooooooooo....... Good luck all. And please don't whine against valve or steam. I am sure they are...