No more de_dust for me. Not in this lifetime.


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Im sick and tired of playing de_dust in the source engine now. Am I the only one?

After the game is released, I will NEVER join a server with de_dust ever more!
De_dust is cool in my book.

I'd much rather play aztec though, glad they didn't put it in the beta.
You're definately not the only one, I was wondering how long it would be before people started posting their hatred of Dust on forums :p

It's still a great map and i'm sure people will play it again once they've played a fair amount of the other CS source maps after it's been released.

I feel like I know the map inch by inch now, and the location of every barrel and piece of rubbish on the map - and i've only spent a total of about 10 hours playing... ;(

I am bored sick of it though, so I hope valve have had their use from me, have submitted a fair few unique bug reports (i seem to have a nack for finding unique bugs) - as I don't fancy playing de_dust any more.
Maybe if we spam a bug report that says "GIVE US A NEW MAP YOU STUPID F's"
i prefer aztec and inferno... but dust will do just fine
I've disliked dust for years so it's not much fun in the beta. Oh well I guess.
Good, simple level design.
Action paced.
Nice layout.
The new additons are good.

-Played since the dawn of the world.
-Too simple level design makes it only worthy of 20 minute matches.
-Lacks the panache the source engine was made to dish out.
If terrorists camp, they usualy lose (wich they always do..***SH DAMNIT).

Maps wanted:
Uh-Oh said:
If terrorists camp, they usualy lose (wich they always do..***SH DAMNIT).

Maps wanted:
That's exactly what I was gonna say.

We want dust2!
Uh-Oh said:
If terrorists camp, they usualy lose (wich they always do..***SH DAMNIT).

So true, the worst thing is if you rush by yourself and face about 5 CTs at the end of the tunnel on your own, you get taken down whilst the other Ts just hang around camping their end of the tunnel, like idiots.

Dust is a boring map - since it's old cs days. They should've used aztec or italy instead. Also, this map is the worst to show off any kind of graphics anyway - new/old/current - any engine. The fault is of the plain dry desert look. I repeat, Valve should've used aztec or italy instead.
It's good they used dust in the beta, now everybody will be sick of it when the real game comes out and no one will play it ;)
This is why you guys could never be quality assurance people.

I'm not tired yet! :D
This isn't an engine or game showcase. It's a beta test. Valve weren't trying to show anything off - it's purely to try and find any bugs in the engine and netcode. The best way to do that is repetition. If it bores you, don't participate.
Ive overplayed dust for the past 3 years in CS. Thats why I now only play ka_roadwars_v2 (fun map) in CZ.

Id had enough of Dust after 10 minutes, it just reminded me of the clanplay and the godam endless rounds looking at its yellow ass walls.

Aztec wouldve been a much better choice, although in CZ they tried to make it more concrete based :S eugh.
Actually I never get tired of Dust, most boring map for me would be assault.

And Azzor imagine roadwars with the source engine, I can already see a catapult on each side to toss you above on the rail haha :LOL:
I cant see roadwars coming out straight away, Ill be definetly having a go :p

OOO I wonder if you can get tossed now? It was due to the crappy car physics that you got tossed before :O OH NOEs111
I like dust. I don't really play it objectively though. The way I play it is just for the battles. And since there are about 4-5 places to battle at, it stays interesting. My favorite by far is battling in the domed room. But once that gets tired I go battle under the bridge, and then at the CT spawn or Bomb site A. It would get tired if all I did was try to complete the objective time and time again.
My Probelm is Dust is too small for a 40 person server. It's insanse nade killathon with the T's usally coming up second best.

and OMG what did they do to the autoshotty? that things INSANE.
Im sooooooo sick of dust all ready this CSS beta is making me dislike it everytime i click on a server .. ARGHHH

We need a choice of amps JUST TWO Valve COME ON....I want an option before I see............. DE_DUST ALLLL DAY !!!!

We seriuosly need 2 maps I would LOVE Valve if the just added a simple and fun map in the mix like AZTEC.........Oh ya...and

oh sorry did I say that out loud ??? :D
That's bollocks. If Valve had provided two maps, you'd be complaining that they were boring, but that three maps would be ok.
Pi Mu Rho said:
This isn't an engine or game showcase. It's a beta test. Valve weren't trying to show anything off - it's purely to try and find any bugs in the engine and netcode. The best way to do that is repetition. If it bores you, don't participate.

Don't think people quite understand that yet :p I think its fun to test for bug. Me and my brother were playing for about 2 hrs trying to find bugs, didn't find to many really, but that green "!" above the head stays there and can be noticed by other teams. Thats about all I found :)
DiSTuRbEd said:
Don't think people quite understand that yet :p I think its fun to test for bug. Me and my brother were playing for about 2 hrs trying to find bugs, didn't find to many really, but that green "!" above the head stays there and can be noticed by other teams. Thats about all I found :)

I've found a few..

1. Change AA settings in game, and you can see lightsources through walls.
2. Glock forgets if it's in burst fire, which makes it a useless secondary in alot of cases (I'm sorry, but I can't use glock without burst :D)
3. Not really a bug, but a stupid change from normal CS. hud_fastswitch 1. It used to allow mousescroll to see the hud, while direct button hits (ie. hitting 1 to bring up primary weapon) would bring your weapon up straight away. Now, if it's on, you get the direct switch with the button you hit, but the mousescroll switches weapons Doom 3 (for example) style. A scroll up switches to the next weapon, and doesn't show you the weapon selection hud. DIE!
After two hours of playing CS:S at a local cyber café (not to mention the years of playing it on old CS) I think I got my fill of de_dust. Good thing too, or else I would have to resort to buying CS:CZ. :p
if anybody's done w/ the beta......................................................................................................................................................... i'll gladly give it a go............................................................................................................ can i borrow your cd key... chums..pals.. amigos... pm me...... or don't.
you can't use a cdkey once it's already been used
PLay CoD for half an hour then play source, i been playing source all day, jus got off and played some cod, went back to source and im telling you, its ****ing brand new again.