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  1. mrmonkah

    'Lost' Inspired Map

    The walls/tunnels you mean? Well, i started out making an 'arch' 128x128 units with a wall thickness of 4 and 16 sides. Next 'clip' the arch in half, and half again so a quater. Then vertex out the outside points of each segment in a 'front' view to make up the upper conrner of a square...
  2. mrmonkah

    'Lost' Inspired Map

    More shots, deeper in....
  3. mrmonkah

    'Lost' Inspired Map

    Already a CS:S map huh. Well, with all due respect, this wont be for CS:S. Whats it called by the way? The CS one, I'd like to have a look.
  4. mrmonkah

    'Lost' Inspired Map

    Already a CS:S map huh. Well, with all due respect, this wont be for CS:S. Whats it called by the way? The CS one, I'd like to have a look.
  5. mrmonkah

    'Lost' Inspired Map

    Okay, quicker then i expected. Looking down the hatch: Long way up, long way down: At the bottom...
  6. mrmonkah

    'Lost' Inspired Map

    Hey folks, Just started work on a new map, maybe ill finnish this one ;). Anyway, im gonna make it single player 'adventure game' esque, if possible, otherwise it'll be a dark and creepy short map for anyone to play. A few internals thus far...
  7. mrmonkah

    Climate Change Experiment

    Its climate change, not climate location. Just because the earth has tropical areas doesnt mean normality is an equal temperature through out. Normality is polar cooling and equatorial warmth. Hence why the CHANGE part refers to 'global warming' in general....... Besides, what will it hurt to...
  8. mrmonkah

    Climate Change Experiment

    Believe what you will about climate change. I think its the word 'change' that dissuades people from believing it's happening. Obviously ignorance is bliss when you don’t consider the repercussions in time to come. The point of change ought really to be now. Scientifically speaking 'We...
  9. mrmonkah

    Climate Change Experiment

    Hey guys, A little off topic I know but I think its something that perhaps needs doing. Changing the climate I mean........ The way I see it: ‘the faster climate change is globally recognised and something is done, the less fu**ed we and future generations are going to be.’ Anyway, if you...
  10. mrmonkah

    Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

    Well, Its been an interesting topic, now, i wonder if anyone at valve took a peak? Anyway chaps, catch you later Monkah
  11. mrmonkah

    Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

    Yeah i guess your right man. Its all relative in the end. Myself, i take a little more time in a game. I suppose its a little presumptuous for us to identify a games pro's and con's before its release. maybe it'll be money worth spent, but if otherwise... guess ill be sorely disapointed.
  12. mrmonkah

    Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

    Yeah i see where your coming from man, i guess a wait of that amount of time is a little crazy but, it seems like being a cheated a little bit. Only 4-6 hours play, thats not long man. For £12 sure its fair, but there is no option of £30 for a full game, maybe thats where it is a little lack...
  13. mrmonkah

    Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

    Look man, im not challenging you or making you think in my ways, i had an opinion all you have the gaul to do is tell me how much more relevant your opinion is. Yeah i racked my brains and i just dont see the benifits nor cons of episodic content. I just find it perplexing that the kind of...
  14. mrmonkah

    Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

    Hmmm, i just read a $20 price tag on HL2 Ep 01. Do we retain our original opinions? To be honest, i think they're selling us as little as possible for as much as we're prepaired to pay. Which doesnt really feel fair to me. It looks like Valve are taking the MS stratagey. They're taking us all...
  15. mrmonkah

    Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

    Hey again guys, Some great feedback. I guess the majority over rules in this case. Episodic it seems will deliver what most people are looking for. Personally, im a fan of the 'epic' length games. Id sooner take a week out and settle down knowing i can take it easy through a game such as...
  16. mrmonkah

    Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

    Im not gonna voice some rigid opinion on here (though id like to) about they way in which Valve and EA are selling us this product, but i do want to ask the comunity what they think about paying each and every time a 'short' extension to HL2 is released? Wouldn't the comunity rather see a...
  17. mrmonkah

    Ultra Shine Shaders

    Good stuff, is fixed! Cheers guys.
  18. mrmonkah

    Ultra Shine Shaders

    Which update fixed it, or atleast what date? And does this apply to the Beta SDK or just the standard SDK? Catch you later
  19. mrmonkah

    BETA SDK AutoVis Problem

    Hey chaps, I just recently went to open a map i created pre-beta sdk (about 2 months back) and now that ive loaded it up in the Beta SDK i cant seem to 'tick' some of the check boxes that 'display' what ever it is. For example, the check box next to displacements is un-ticked, but i cant...
  20. mrmonkah

    Ultra Shine Shaders

    Hey peeps, Not sure what the hell this problem is, but i think its since the support of HDR that it started happening. Anyway, rather than explain i whipped something up in Hammer to show you. Now the 'silver' texture is...