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  1. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Awww shaddup.
  2. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Hint? please stfu. Anyway, I was the one that started the whole AI thing in the first place. Then this twit gets all defensive when I don't agree about his idol's work. Fanboy troll. Anyway, I was also thinking of the day we get sensory input/output. For instance, smell-o-vision? Would...
  3. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Uhh, you can argue all you want on this, it comes down to matter of opinion, bub. And yes, I am a seasoned Artist. Thanks for assuming otherwise.
  4. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Nevermind. You are obviously a fanboy, led by blind faith. I don't feel like arguing with you anymore. "I have been trying to improve this head since I last posted it, this is not a straight render from Maya, I spent ages in Photoshop with it playing about with the levels and colours and...
  5. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Yes, I saw that. And the results on that image are obviously CG in origin. The other image(of the young boy), has too many faults that don't line up. I have seen this kind of trick before, and it's most likely a model that he cannot turn 360, otherwise the illusion is lost. I do believe the eyes...
  6. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    I have no doubts that we will get there. Like someone earlier posted, we are nothing more than chemical machines. Our thoughts, and impulses are all electrical signals processed by the brain. Humans are sentient, most likely because we have bigger brains than any other animals, and we use a much...
  7. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Uhh, no I noticed the hair was 3d. That's not my point at all. Ever heard of compositing?
  8. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Hey, there are a lot of retarded people out there. But seriously, what's to stop someone from ULing a sentient program to a server, or creating one of thier own. There are just infinite possibilities. And my point about "The matrix" was more of "in the beginning" ya know when programs became...
  9. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    I'm sorry, but that last one is completely faked photoshop trickery. A masterful trick at that, but I do see inconsistencies between the two images. If you look cloe enough, you'll see them too. I already know how he faked it all. As for AI, what if the AI got so smart, it escapes to the...
  10. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Actually, HL2 does have per polygon hit detection. It's in the "valve info only" thread somewhere.
  11. M

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    Valve fanboys. Loyal to the bitter end. :dozey:
  12. M

    What should i make for my first model?

    Work on character models. Do something cool, not a football.
  13. M

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    Ofcourse they want more money. Do you think Gabe pays his employees out of his own pocket? nooooo. The money has to come from somewhere to fund the development of these games, and it's ridiculous to assume that Gabe is gonna pay for it out of his own piggy bank. BESIDES we already said it...
  14. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    Stick Figs is kinda slow. You'll have to forgive his ignorance. There are a lot of trolls on this board...
  15. M

    What's left for the Source engine?

    I think another thing that people overlook is AI. An engine without good AI is not gonna be convincing enough. I think when we get to the point where NPCs can learn and behave as real humans do, we are in for a big eye opener. Can you imagine actually having in-game conversations with...
  16. M

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    meh. That's not so bad. Beginning.
  17. M

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    hmm, are we allowed to post that kinda stuff?
  18. M

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    I wanna be an Ant Lion! I wanna be an Ant Lion! :bounce:
  19. M

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    Uhh, not sure what you mean there, but 500,000+ customers are already lost to STEAM. When HL2 comes out, that number should easily triple. And you underestimate the popularity of purchasing ove rthe internet. 500,000 people in under the first week of operation is a pretty damned good indication...
  20. M

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    Nowhere did I say that you could ONLY get patches if you subscribed to STEAM. Don't be so quick to jump on someone before you have a chance to think it through. My point was that STEAM will make sure that you always have the latest version of the game due to automatic patching + new content...