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  1. Entr0py

    Spelling checker (hahahahah so funny!)

    If computers ever learned how to spell check so efficiently...we'd be taken over by computer AI's and used as batteries....and end up like the Matrix...
  2. Entr0py

    ATI vs. NVIDIA: Round 2

    Well, I've seen benchmarks that Geforce fx 5900 preforms better in Doom 3... So it's basically if you wanna play half life2 go ATI... If you wanna play Doom 3 go with nvidia... I however chose the path of ATI and as lucky as I am, I'm getting the right card for Half life 2...
  3. Entr0py

    Will we play HL2 in 2003?

    Hopefully, this game around christmas or someone can buy it for me :cheese:
  4. Entr0py

    You are what you eat o lol

    Meulersse(sp?) Big Nuts haha... Man people these days...need to pick a better name for their company and food...:cheese:
  5. Entr0py

    Matrix Ping Pong

    wow really cool... It's really hilarious how the ninja guys move the ping pong ball and carry the guys make it "matrix-esque."
  6. Entr0py

    ati radeon 9600 pro

    What drivers do you have? 3.7 catalyst or 3.6? Try 3.6 first and see if there's any improvement... 9600 should be able to run half life optimally...strange...anyway try 3.6 catalyst can get it from
  7. Entr0py

    Radeon Cooling

    LMFDO...:cheese: It looks like it's actually works...but man....with that weight pulling down on your card, it might need one of them secure things...where it grapples on the edge of the card and holds it tightly...
  8. Entr0py

    What up....

    Sup...just recently joined...and man there is alot of people on this forum board at the same time... I got my Half life 2 reservation stub in my cabinet next to bed...waiting to shown to a GameStop employee who will hand me my copy of Half life 2...4+ months from now... I'm really excited...
  9. Entr0py

    Matrix Revolutions preview

    or even better, Matrix Re-format Anyways...I was really excited after seeing the first trailer, I saw Trinity holding two pistols pointed in two directions like a stick-up... Hopefully, revolution's story is more fresh...