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  1. L

    M4 - Work In Progress

    Awesome model and the texturing is coming along very well :)
  2. L

    Search for a free modeller (or at least a very cheap one)

    I use Blender, a free program that can do modelling, uv mapping, texturing, animation, rendering etc. really a great program. is where you can get it and some tutorials (including video tutorials).
  3. L


    That would be the best mod ever! Team deathmatch: Striders vs Gargs. With combine cannon fodder scattered around to kick about.
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    I'll be working on one soon :)
  5. L

    Modeling Programs

    I use Blender, used to use Maya (my uni has it).
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    Wierdest thing I did in HL1 was the first time I played it I managed to jump out the back window of the tram and ran around the tunnel. I got down to the area where you see the apache on the landing pad, I went up to the big hangar doors but they wouldn't open :( Then I had to kill myself.
  7. L

    Advice For Me and My son.

    At the moment there aren't exporters from Blender to HL2, but I'm pretty sure that there will be one in the near future (Doom 3 one was written quite awhile ago now, HL2 is bigger so here's hoping). Though Blender can export to .obj files etc. so as long as that can be used to get a model in HL2...
  8. L

    Advice For Me and My son.

    Blender is a free program that does modelling, texturing, uvmapping, rendering, animation etc. is a good site, you can download it there and also see some video tutorials (strongly suggest watching them if giving the program a go). is where most of the community...
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    How does it run and your specs?

    1024x768 resolution All settings cranked to the max. Runs peachy. Athlon XP 3200+ 1 gig PC3200 Ram Radeon 9800 Pro
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    Your best model work thread

    Some of mine:
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    Can I have my skin back please?

    Hehe polys. The reason he doesn't have fat is he doesn't have anything over the layera of muscle :) I was doing this so I could work a lot of detail into the model and make it very organic, as there are many muscle groups. It is pretty much just a model (incomplete so far) of human anatomy...
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    Can I have my skin back please?

    This is what he looks like without the shader, I've still to finish modelling.
  13. L

    HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

    @ jheaddon I sent the email to both your addys this time, hopefully it will now work :)
  14. L

    Can I have my skin back please?

    Did a bit more tweaking, not sure which I prefer, this or the other one hehe. Probably the first.
  15. L

    Can I have my skin back please?

    Someone on the Blender forum I visit made a muscle shader which they put up for download. I tweaked it a bit and added it to a mesh I'm working on. It is obviously not perfect, but it is quite icky :)
  16. L

    HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

    Wierd, I sent it to the first one, I guess something went wrong somewhere. Oh well I'll send it to you from a different email account.
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    HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

    Check yer email :)
  18. L

    'Will HL2 run on my comp' TESTER PRGRM

    EDIT: Bah nevermine, misread something.
  19. L

    WIP: Head Model of Dad

    Just takes practice :) The Joan of Arc tutorial shows a good way of modelling the head, and shows good edgelooping (going with the contours of the face).
  20. L

    Asteroid Demolisher MKI

    Awesome :)