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  1. Punisher454

    15 December

    I'll be a bit suprised if thats the "Real" Gabe, But Its still possible(however unlikely). It would NOT suprise Me if some of Valves people do browse this forum from time to time, perhaps even posting nonsense to throw us all off on our speculation.
  2. Punisher454

    Something sad and shit

    Most programmers are going to steer you towards PC programming, and thats great. But if you also have an interest in electronics and stuff like robotics, anamatronics, control systems, intelegent toasters, smart houses etc... You might look into Embedded programming. Its alot more specialized...
  3. Punisher454

    Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

    Thats one bitch of a choice! ROTK has to be the one I'd see if I was allowed only one on the big screen. I'm looking forward to T3 more than SW:episode3 I'll goto SW episode3, not because I'm so hyped about it, but because I want to finaly see the rest of the story. EPisodes 4-6 kicked ass...
  4. Punisher454

    There will be gibbing in HL2,

    I think we probable seen enough people killed in the demo vids to assume that its not like Ghoul2, Thank you Gabe. Not that Ghoul2 wasnt cool to watch, it was. It was also a real problem for building youre own character models, and at least while I was interested in modding SOF2 Raven never...
  5. Punisher454

    10 reasons mapping for HL2 will be easier than HL1

    I'm kinda expecting it to be both easier and harder. I believe it will be easier to acomplish things that were problems in HL1 and needed tricks to get them done. The tools are going to be a bit better and you will be able to build things in alot higher res. It will also mean that theres...
  6. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    I dont think it did, but I may be wrong since I havent seen it in a long time. Even if "Glass" is a problem for HL2 vehicles(I doubt it) I'll just ake the windows have the same propreties as the rest of the hull and just texture them with a "glass" texture. Right? I dont realy NEED to...
  7. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    Okay. I realy need to point you to My yahoogroups discussion page. I just opened it up to the public a few days ago and as of yet have no members(havent been advertising either). I'll set up a real website later, right now this does the...
  8. Punisher454


    Here's one for ya, enjoy.
  9. Punisher454


    So in this game you have to bust youre ass all week long at a low pay job so you can save up enough to buy a new shirt for Saturday night at the Disco? LOL! Well people have been saying theres not enough new ideas for mods, you'll be in a class all youre own on this one.
  10. Punisher454


    Blueprints are real easy to get. You could also pick up a house plans magazine, They'll show alot of designs in each issue. I'm assuming you want this just for a guide while mapping and dont realy need full size real blueprints, do you?
  11. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    What sort of deatils? Details about what I plan to try to do with the vehicle? or details about the MOD? or were you wanting more detailed pics of the model in development ? Happy to answer any of the above :)
  12. Punisher454

    splintering wood

    I Just got back a few hours ago from a little family weekend outting and WOW what a busy thread. I guess I stirred up a bit of action (and a few attitudes too). First I guess I need to clarify My point. I wasnt saying I wanted it to be super realistic, just that it seemed overdone and was...
  13. Punisher454

    splintering wood

    While watching the demo vids something has been bothering me a bit. The wood splinters way too easy! Done get me wrong, its a cool feature and I'd rather have it than not, but its a little overdone. I've blasted away at alot of wooden targets over the years, and they end up with a hole in...
  14. Punisher454


    I was looking at the "Arsenal" page on youre new site. May I make a request? I would like to see the AK-47 done right! So many of the games I have played treat the AK-47 as being just a different looking equal to the M-16 and other .223 (5.56 NATO) chambered Weapons. There is a huge...
  15. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    Exactly! Thats sort of the attitude I've been operating with. The way I see it, we'll probably be able to evrything you could do in HL1, and more. But I wont count on the "more" and be prepared to fall back on HL1 methods of solving problems if I have to.
  16. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    If making the windows out of a "Glass" material is a problem for vehicles then I'll just fake it by using a Glass texture on those polys. The parts I'm most concerned about with vehicles are the weapons locker, medical station and air tank re-fill station. It'd be nice to incorporate those...
  17. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    Ya its round all right. It'd be realy too round for a "normal" mod. But IE:1987 isnt exactly normal. Its supposed to be as if you are in a 50's Sci-Fi movie about 1987. Here's a pic of the vehicle that inspired the Lunar Personell Carrier. This is from "battle in outer space". in the...
  18. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    I 've started working on a Lunar Personell Carrier for Invasion Earth: 1987. Its still a work in progress and the interior is mostly unfinished. The rear half will be an airlock and the front half will be pressurized. I want to have a weapons locker and mediacl station onboard if the HL2...
  19. Punisher454

    The Matrix?

    DOH!!! I was so busy looking at the pic that I didnt even notice. It pays to pay attention!
  20. Punisher454

    The Matrix?

    What software is that youre using? I just did a search on google and cant find it. Anyhow cool Neo, thats a prety good polycount for that level of detail. Is that I4d program regular modeling software or is it more of a character creator like Poser ?