There will be gibbing in HL2,


May 26, 2003
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(at least in the E3 vid), watch the part after the zombies get cut by that propeller-thing.
When the barrel explodes, watch it frame by frame, the car hits the only zombie thats doesn't ignite, thrusting him aside. Until now he's still in one piece, but when he gets squashed between the car and the tree to the left, you can see some chunks of him flying around, one is a leg and the other two seem to be the head(-crab) and the chest, not sure. It also looks like there would at first be one big single piece being smashed at the corner of the house behind the tree, where it then gets cut into two smaller chunks (!!), falling into different directions. But it's hard to say because of the low framerate and resolution... but it would be absolutely uber.

Ah yes before I forget it, regarding how hostile this forum sometimes seems to be (not mentioning names), if you don't like this thread, just ignore it and don't annoy everyone with destructive comments, please.
when people/monsters in game explodes or breaks apart and turns into smaller parts of limbs/guts/blood/whatever...
Ah yes before I forget it, regarding how hostile this forum sometimes seems to be (not mentioning names), if you don't like this thread, just ignore it and don't annoy everyone with destructive comments, please.

Hmm, what do you mean with "gibbing" ? sorry, but I have never heard it before :o
But I find it very cool that we can set up these thing with the source engine:
grenade @ car ---> explosion ---> the car gets thrown to the side because the explosion is so powerful ---> squashes a zombie ---> bodyparts flyin' all round us :)

mmmmmm, i have at least 99 ideas to fulfill with hammer when hl2 is released =)

edit: ooookaay :) the answer came faster than I typed, thanks PriNcE oF SpAcE
I see now. They should give you something like a chain saw so you can chop off body parts of baddies. Then use the grav gun to fling them at other baddies.
heh :D hmm, who says it ain't possible ? I think it's possible =)
What do you mean "whats gibbing", its.....GIBBING!!

Day of defeat removed it, and its boring now. You get hit in the chest with a rocket launcher and the solder just kind of dies and falls forward in a "deary me thats inconvienient" kind of way.

Some of the most fun times ive had in games is when a mate will go round a corner, youll hear an explosion, and his leg will trail back at you.
gibbing is the practice of applying the plant hormone gibberellic acid to increase the size of blooms

so is gordon a horticulturist now?

edit - haha just put murray into googlism "murray is king"
Hm, that's interesting. Very well spotted Lambda^2.

Unfortunatly they look to be very similar to Half-Life 1 gibs, which is a shame, because they were so unrealistic and annoying.

But hey, we can hope that they simply hadn't done new gibs yet, and were simply using the old HL gibs as a substitude eh?
Surly they wont be like half life gibbs.

I mean, when i was playing day of defeat 1.3, there was a pack to turn the regular liver gibbs into actualy high poly body parts. That was done by regular players, so the actual game makers will have a tad more quality.
Yeah I hope your right Urseus. But from that video we can see that they are indeed original HL gibs. I'm sure Valve will re-do them by the time HL2 is out though :)
gordon is located at 30 gresse street london w1t 1qr telephone 020 7580 7316


gordon is a highly respected member of london's inner magic circle...

black mesa is a place to give a birth to new ideas and new technologies


black mesa is not black and it is not a mesa?!?

hmmm, strange program that be, although we now know that gordon lives in london....

/me grabs bag and prepares to hitchhike to london
They will almost certainly replace the "gibs". They said that they are using alot of old HL1 things as place holders for now until they can finish of the new ones for HL2. The gibs shown in the video are probably just place holders too.
In HL1 the gibbing works this way: The model dissappeares, and turns into smaller pieces (like the famous scull=)
I hope this isn't the case in hl2, I hope the model stays, and loses an arm or something, it should not be transformed.
Now that would be über cool!
Much better googlisms with the full name (though you get some real HL along with it, it makes it seem like he leads a full life in addition to HL):
  • gordon freeman is a world famous anthropologist from the prestigious university of chicago
  • gordon freeman is battling for your life inside the black mesa complex
  • gordon freeman is working with his colleagues on xen studying the planet and it's technology
  • gordon freeman is woken by the sound of his alarm clock
  • gordon freeman is the only one smiling
  • gordon freeman is one loud physicist
  • gordon freeman is the driving force behind the vigorous spirit of congregation b'nai shalom
  • gordon freeman is the least of your worries
I hoped the they used a similar damage system as sof2 uses. so I mailed gabe and he said that they do not use any sof2 style damage system.

I found it fun and realistic.. and since HL2 goes for Realism it should have a similar damage system.
It was kinda realistic.....but ultimatly pointless....since there were so many bugs.....i remember taking a dog's head off, only to see it running around still :P.....and most of the time you just someone from far away, so the modelling was pointless....and if you thought mutilating bodies was fun.....

/me backs away from EVIL

oh and I just realised that I have reached 501 posts! So, in the parlence of this strange electric 'internet' : w00t

watch out EVIL, you old spammer you! :P (j/k :E)
The HL2 "gibbing system" (for lack of a better term) will be certainly be more advanced than HL2, and probably more than in other games (pain skins, etc). Look at the scene with the rotor before the regular gib of the zombie being blown apart by the exploding car. Watch when Gordon starts up the rotor... one of the zombies is hacked in half and continues crawling legless towards you. If HL2 is capable of this kind of deforming character models, the days of generic gibbing animations are far behind us.
So like i said in another thread. Would this mean that you cold slice up zombies and have them the size of burgers over a fire?
kanuk...similar system was already present in Hexen2 so it's not that the way the zombie that keeps crawling has it's legs blown off by the exploding barrel.
I doubt the violence will be as graphic and sickening as the aptly-named Ghoul 2.0 technology.....Valve will want their game playable by the most possible people...they won't want an 18 rating..
it had a 15 was the 1st computer game I ever bought and my mum had to buy it for me, cos I wasn't 15 :( was a 15....I have the box in front of me
True enough, PriNcE oF SpAcE, which is why we can be pretty sure HL2 will do as well, or even better.

BTW, games can have different content ratings in different countries (though it's more standardized now with ESRB), so it's possible HL1 had an 18 and a 15 in different places.
You live in the UK right? Thats probably why. In the U.S. and as a result in Canada it recieved an 18 rating.

EDIT: You beat me to it djkanuk.
yeah, you're right....... I do live in the United Kingdom... and it does say UK didn't deserve an 18 rating.... it wasn't too gory, the fear factor was the primary certainly scared the young Badger.... :P
It still scares me, and I'm like... well, double-15 (and a bit).
Ya HL1 scared me when I got it. I love it when games do that. Back on topic.

I wonder if you blow of a Combines leg if they will fall to the ground in complete pain. clutching the stump. HL2 will have location based damage where the baddies will act accordingly if they get hit in a certain spot, but just how far it will go will be sweet to see.
like I said before....I doubt it will go as far as Ghoul 2.0 (the gore modelling system in SoFII for those who don't know)
Originally posted by mrBadger
like I said before....I doubt it will go as far as Ghoul 2.0 (the gore modelling system in SoFII for those who don't know)

Maybe not as far, but it could still have individual appendages shot off - Ghoul 2 had like 16 cutoff points, HL2's might be more akin to the original SoF's system.. which had less, as HL2 is not a one trick pony.
hmm.. I will mail gabe again asking for some little more revlealing details about the damage system
well, here is a disappointing find... look at the zombie who is split in half by an explosion (if i remember correctly). Frame-by-frame his death, and you'll see that the moment he takes damage, the top half of the model instantly dissapears, and a new, lying down model appears. that model falls to the floor and crawls towards gordon. I hope that's fixed in the final release!
I think we probable seen enough people killed in the demo vids to assume that its not like Ghoul2, Thank you Gabe. Not that Ghoul2 wasnt cool to watch, it was. It was also a real problem for building youre own character models, and at least while I was interested in modding SOF2 Raven never released the tools to work with it.
SOF2 had alot of potential for a Q3 based game. I think it had the most. But Raven didnt seem to give a damn about modders, and now I dont think anybodys modding it are they?
They probably just didn't have the animation for that done when they made the video. Hopefully thats the case.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Maybe not as far, but it could still have individual appendages shot off - Ghoul 2 had like 16 cutoff points, HL2's might be more akin to the original SoF's system.. which had less, as HL2 is not a one trick pony.

far from it: between the plot, the facial expressions the AI.... HL2 is gonna be a pony with a hell of a lot of trix....

(On a side note, Valve emailed British modders will be getting our SDK just as fast....this is why Valve is the king of the developers :) )