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  1. Cyber$nake

    Steam-punked - A Comment

    I'm fairly certain it was 1.4 or at latest 1.5, definately not 1.6- I used the Steam beta very early on (before any of my friends who were probably bigger gamers than I) had ever heard of it, and it was definately before 1.6. I don't know which of the other two it was. And as for Pocap, it may...
  2. Cyber$nake

    GC2007 : Team Fortress 2 Gameplay Videos

    Awsome! Woo GIBS ARE IN FOR SURE NOW! (1st video u can see it) :eek::stare:
  3. Cyber$nake

    Smod Tactical Delta 4 question--and is HL2 always so glitchy?

    Well for starters it would be good to know what hardware your running this stuff on. I have never had vpu glitches like that before. Also make sure your drivers are up to date. as for smod I don't know, I've never played it...
  4. Cyber$nake

    What video card do you guys use for SOURCE

    eVGA Geforce 8800GTS 640MB version, like genocide :thumbs:
  5. Cyber$nake

    A Shocking Yet Upsetting Suprise...

    Woah, calm down...hes kinda right...the old TF2 style was VERY much like the Battlefield games. Perhaps at that time the military style would have been unique and top-of-the-line, and theres nothing wrong with military-styled games, its just that that ISNT Team Fortress....TF is about crazy...
  6. Cyber$nake

    What happens if an object is too big for a portal?

    well if the portal is like a black hole then it should kinda get sucked in anyways...and then for video game reasons, have it "reform" once it gets out th e other side...kinda hard to explain what i mean.
  7. Cyber$nake

    Which GamePlay-"Feel" are you hoping for ?

    I want basically all of the TFC elements in it..the whole FEEL of it, the same fast-paced actions, etc. But, I would also like to see some new stuff. Some new maps with cooler objectives, maybe the long-lost commander class, some new weapons and things like that. But it HAS to be TF...though i...
  8. Cyber$nake

    Video next week.

    WHAT? You mean the last one wasnt good enough? :P
  9. Cyber$nake

    What maps would you like to see from TFC?

    DEFINATELY rock2, and id also like to see 2fort, dustbowl, and HUNTED!! w00t!
  10. Cyber$nake

    Portal - related to Half-life?

    Who knows, but I definately DO want to see Adrian in at least one of these upcoming games, since the end of op4 pretty much leaves u the same as the end of hl1, working for the gman. We shall see.
  11. Cyber$nake

    Question about the console versions...

    Hey does anyone know if the console versions will also have CSS or HL2DM with them? That would be awsome, although that would be a damn big package ;-p :bounce:
  12. Cyber$nake

    How much do you think it gonna cost ?

    The ps3 and 360 versions also come with hl2 and episode one correct? If so then Id say around $60
  13. Cyber$nake

    TF2 on Xbox Live = Win!

    Team Fortress Classic is...well, a Classic! ;-P I loved everything about it and still go back to play it every now and then...its totally different then CS but its a lot more action packed and most importantly is FUN AS HELL!! Back when they first announced TF2 (On the HL1 engine) I was a...
  14. Cyber$nake

    Weekly Update

    Team Fortress 2!!!
  15. Cyber$nake

    Team Fortress 2 snippets

    maybe they'l have an announcement about TF2 soon...unless its been there for a while and nobody's found it till now.
  16. Cyber$nake

    HL3 or Aftermath on 360?

    Ok thanks for getting it exact, I couldn't remember. Dont you think thats a little fishy though? However, I agree with RoyaleWithCheese that it would probably be too difficult to code it for both.
  17. Cyber$nake

    HL2 vrs F.E.A.R

    But there are developers with working alphas of games running it IS being used right now, the games just arent finished. the UT2007 and Gears of War videos didnt just pop out of a magic hat. At the same time, HL2 and Doom 3 have been out for a while and back then UE3 might have not...
  18. Cyber$nake

    HL3 or Aftermath on 360?

    Last night I was whatching G-phoria and they had a quick interview with Doug Lambardi (At least I think thats who it was definately from Valve) and he was talking about HL2:Aftermath and stuff and all was cool but then I think he said something that he wasn't supposed to: He mentioned...
  19. Cyber$nake

    bit of a noob question

    Hi all! I have a simple question and that is how do you make an NPC say something. since there are sooo many speech files you could pretty much make an entirely new story using the existing stuff, but I dont even know how! Any help or links would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Cyber$nake

    If any of the main characters were to die who would you choose?

    Maybe itl be one of those depressing "everyone important dies" storys and you'll be the only one left. Then they can work on OPFOR 2 ;-)