Video next week.


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
What do you suppose we will see? I'm very interested in the portal vid coming up as well... Valve = <3
err, yeah lol my bad, any specific date for these vids yet?

I guess it will be the video that was shown in the EA show. Here's hope for gameplay footage.
I agree its probably the video that was already shown at the EA preview. I really want to get a glimpse of the animation of the characters... im curious as to how they look in motion.
I'd love to see a TF2 video. :thumbs:
Would be awesome if they released it on Steam this week.

Screenshots should be released too though. We need wallpaper worthy shots.
I hope we'll see more of Alyx and Gman in the next video.

Uh... right. I meant in the EP2 video. So what the hell am I doing in this forum. I don't know.
I hope the video is not the one that was shown at the EA conference because from the articles I've read, it really didn't show off much gameplay at all. It was more about introducing the classes and stuff, nothing to do with the play itself. Here's to hoping the video is not what they showed at the EA conference.
ARghHHGHGHGHGH. NOOOOO!!!!111oneoneeleven.


Had forgotten they were coming. BAH!
hell i cant wait for this vid, im gonna watch the incredibles just to reduce the anticipation :)
11am PST tomorrow. Or, so I hear. Subject to month-long delays, of course.
A little bird blabbed about it on teh intrawebz. But then, I don't have it firsthand, so class it as a rumor.
Yes, yes... It's true. Team Fortress 2 trailer will be released tommorow at 11AM Pacific Time. Straight from Doug Lombardi.
Thanks for the news! 11am PST, thats 1pm my time. Woot
Right after lunch tomorrow I'll check it out. ;)
See: now a MUCH BIGGER BIRD has tweeted about it. :)
Seems I need to take up birdwatching :p

I really, really want to see this in action: I mean, when I first saw shots of HL2 I wasn't exactly moved, but seeing the videos was an unmatched gabba-hadda-gurra-barra-fabba?! moment.
Dammit, I leave for Italy at 8pm ... exactly one hour after release. Great. :)