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  1. Cyber$nake

    I finally ordered my new computer.

    ima not ordering it any time soon, Itl be a while...looonnggg time. Of course by then I want something new like an FX-55 or something ;-)
  2. Cyber$nake

    4 those with liqud cooled pc's i have a ?

    go to and type in "liquid" in the search and scroll down until you get to the one for Xaser III. Its less than 100$. Not sure about the shipping though.
  3. Cyber$nake

    hydra still in hl2?

  4. Cyber$nake

    4 those with liqud cooled pc's i have a ?

    hmm lemmy check newegg for ones that oyu can get for the Xaser III case...they werent very expensive at all...brb. The one for Xaser II and III cases were 96 bucks, I saw some others for 200. Go check it out...
  5. Cyber$nake

    Is this Vid Card any good

    you got a nice system with a not-nice card.
  6. Cyber$nake

    I finally ordered my new computer.

    Makes my 2.53ghz 512mb pc800 mem and Geforce 4 Ti4200 64mb look ancient...its exactly 2 years old now... At I managed to customize a nice super-system for 3000: Aluminum X-Navigator CASE 500W & Window (BLACK w/fan contrl) (939-pin) AMD ATHLON64 FX 53 Processor...
  7. Cyber$nake

    Possible to make the official CS Bot to work in DoD?

    They might make bots for DoD:S. I doubt it really but its possible...
  8. Cyber$nake

    HL:S included for free with HL2 ?

    HL:s Is availabe w/ the silver, gold, and collectors edition of HL2.
  9. Cyber$nake

    TFC: Source?

    amen and dustbowl in source would just be firggen SWEET! Thats my favorit map. I also like Hunted and Rock2
  10. Cyber$nake

    The graphics in hl:s?

    Not really. They say the new Starwars Trilogy movies on DVD ar "Digitaly Remastered" and they just improved effects/sound and little things here and there.
  11. Cyber$nake

    Half-Life 2 definatly before 10/24/04?

    THANKYOU SO MUCH for giving me an update w/ this whole lawsuit thing. I never really read much of it and everything that you say helps abbreviate it I guess. Are they really releasing CS:S next week though? Never heard that...
  12. Cyber$nake

    Voice from HL1

    But when you get your suit you hear a similar voice coming from the HEV saying like "bio-moniter systems: check, Projectile absorbment Cells: online," blah blah blah for a minute...
  13. Cyber$nake

    Are we going to see Gordon in HL2?

    ahh but you can see yourself: your hands holding your gun. Though that isnt really yourself...thats just the HEV. It'd be cool if you could look into someones glasses or something and see a little reflection of yourself.
  14. Cyber$nake

    If there was a standard DVD version...

    would you get it? It seems that many people dont want to have six CDs or get the CE, and personally I'm wondering what happened to the DVD verison.
  15. Cyber$nake

    Half-Life 2 definatly before 10/24/04?

    No clue link-wise, but I do clearly remember there being several discussions complaining about games made w/ source being delayed due to Half-life not being released before them.
  16. Cyber$nake

    Half-Life 2 definatly before 10/24/04?

    Why on earth would they wait until november anyways? It just doesnt make sense to me. Usually it only takes a few weeks for them to mass produce, sometimes less, and on rare occasions more. It would be against themselves to hold a final game for a few weeks before starting too mass produce it...
  17. Cyber$nake

    Question about HDR?

    In the source video it doesnt say HDRI, it says High Dynamic Range RENDERING. Is There a Difference?
  18. Cyber$nake

    19 hours?

    19 hours is fine by me. Especially considering the reviewers are probably good at just about ever game in existence ;-) and they would have gone through it faster to get a review out. if it took them 19 itl take me 25.
  19. Cyber$nake

    something i noticed about these half life 2 reviews

    REEDIT: cant you delete posts?
  20. Cyber$nake

    What happened to Escape Mode?

    Does anyone know what happened to the Escape mode? Was it in the unnoficial CS or something and then Valve took it out? Heres a scan in my CS manual (Im not sure if all say this, mines pretty old) that explains it: