hydra still in hl2?

Valve needs better time management skills... and some good motivation.

I hope they didnt remove things of the leak
I never played it but I hav see the content in a web page
Bait said:
Seems to me that the Hydra wasn't from Xen. Looks like the only things from xen are the vortigaunts and headcrabs in HL2.

Anyways, I think Chris_Ds source is 1 of 2 things:
1.) Read a spoiler of some sort
2.) Valve was gracious enough to give Halflife2.net a copy of HL2 for whatever reason.

Now that I think about it, both reasons seem wrong, but we won't know unless Chris tell us now will we.

Their source is an early copy of "Raising the Bar." The book details all of this -- which is why I think you guys will enjoy it.

cliffe said:
Their source is an early copy of "Raising the Bar." The book details all of this -- which is why I think you guys will enjoy the book.


so thats theyr source

the hydra still in game?


Nope, can't come up with anything else. Blimey again!

[EDIT]: No, RJMC, it isn't. That's the point.
Brian Damage said:


Nope, can't come up with anything else. Blimey again!

[EDIT]: No, RJMC, it isn't. That's the point.

I dont get it
cliffe, while you're at it (:)), I had another question about the book. The CE of HL2 was supposed to come with "a Prima book sampler" (a quote). What exactly does that mean, and which Prima book is that (strategy guide of raising the bar) and what does it have less than the full book?
SFLUFAN: No no no - the book that'll be included with the CE is a "hybrid" book that combines elements of "Raising the Bar" with the strategy guide but it won't be the full version of "Raising the Bar".

"Raising the Bar" is well over 300 pages and is a coffee table size book - that's too big to fit into the CE box.

Cliffe: Precisely.

See the bottom of the first page:

SFLUFAN: No no no - the book that'll be included with the CE is a "hybrid" book that combines elements of "Raising the Bar" with the strategy guide but it won't be the full version of "Raising the Bar".

"Raising the Bar" is well over 300 pages and is a coffee table size book - that's too big to fit into the CE box.

Cliffe: Precisely.

See the bottom of the first page:


Thank you very much :thumbs:
<RJMC> said:
I dont get it

Oh, for crying in a bucket.

Cliffe just confirmed that Chris_D and Munro were right when they said that the Hydra was not in the game any more.

It was probably deemed to be too much work for too little effect, or out of place, or something, I reckon.
I really don't care about the hydra thingy. I just hope the game is longer than doom3 and farcry.
Brian Damage said:
Oh, for crying in a bucket.

Cliffe just confirmed that Chris_D and Munro were right when they said that the Hydra was not in the game any more.

It was probably deemed to be too much work for too little effect, or out of place, or something, I reckon.

I hope it the only enemy eliminated
I wonder if the enemy and weapon lists on this site are complete lists. :\

Even with the question marks, I hope not...
The hydra was cool, it sucks that's it been cut.

This is the biggest travesty since Saruman was cut from the theatrical version of Return of the king!!

Yeah, and WTF is going on with the RC? You know? WTF?
Chris_D said:
As far as I know so far, the most substantial thing to be cut is the Hydra.

They definitely haven't cut any levels out of the game.
Then don't they have to cut the tunnels bink video level? because thats the one with the hydra.

Oh sweet Cliffe posted. So I now think no more hydra... :( I thought it would make a cool enemy. Oh well. Cliffe how goes the release of cs:s this week for people who purchase halflife2? Is it still on track for this week?
Pauly said:
Then don't they have to cut the tunnels bink video level? because thats the one with the hydra.

I hope not, tunnels looked rather atmospheric. ;(
That was just a mock up for e3 not a full map.

Cant wait for the book, itll be interesting to see what extra content you dropped and also perhaps your opinions of a certain site i happen to work for ..
Cheta said:
Want evidence that the scope of the game has been reduced?

Find a ss of e3_c17_02 aka the strider map from e3.

Now compare it with a more recent shot of the same area. the additional street areas are now firely closed off with a barricade. Granted they are actually a 3d sky in the first place but the original video made it really seem like there was more to the world.

Damnit.. I knew valve would screw us over somehow..
to whoever posted that "hydraproof" picture, that was from my post over at hl2world, nice find tho, nice to see my work being put to good use...
I just hope the game is as long as HL1 or longer. Also, what about the gun in the Tunnels video that shot flares, or flare like grenades? Has that been cut? I thought I heard it had been replaced with that gun used in the buggy video where you fight the combine and go into the little house?
I seriously doubt that we can know anything about what enemies have/have not made it into the game. Furthermore I don't think we should trust these admins, because they (Valve) want us to be suprised when we play this game, they dont want us to know every enemy and weapon and map that's going to be in the final version of the game. And all the evidence about look here's some hydra file's and "Omg there isn't a hydra picture" prove nothing. I'm sure Valve wouldn't release all of their game content, i.e. enemies/weapons/locations before the game was being sold. With or without a hydra HL2 will still be truly awesome
Yogibbear said:
I seriously doubt that we can know anything about what enemies have/have not made it into the game. Furthermore I don't think we should trust these admins, because they (Valve) want us to be suprised when we play this game, they dont want us to know every enemy and weapon and map that's going to be in the final version of the game. And all the evidence about look here's some hydra file's and "Omg there isn't a hydra picture" prove nothing. I'm sure Valve wouldn't release all of their game content, i.e. enemies/weapons/locations before the game was being sold. With or without a hydra HL2 will still be truly awesome

Yeah I guess you have a point. It's just been confirmed that there is no hydra, but hopefully it was replaced with something just as cool or better.
cliffe said:
Their source is an early copy of "Raising the Bar." The book details all of this -- which is why I think you guys will enjoy it.


They gave you an early copy of a book... and that's the big secret we couldn't be told? Either there's more to it or you guys really have to stop being paranoid about things and start dishing some info ;)
Erm... seeing that halflife2.net are obviously getting exclusive info, has anyone looked at the enemies page? They say that

A new futuristic attack helicopter from the Combine no doubt built after stealing the Earth Humans design.

So is this proof that the combine are alien?

Don't flame me if this is entirely obvious.
Well, a VALVe dude called them "The Alien Combine" in a video voiceover ages ago...
Yes, I know a guy who has played through th eleaked RC1. He says they are very much a part of the game.
i think d.o.g. looks like kiddie anime stuff and belong in a transformers game.
No they werent, the e3_hydra level didnt load, there was a fan made level that fixed it, but it had funked up textures and no AI at all

WAit...the RC1? that wasnt leaked, the pre alpha was
I think the Hydra i still in. But just like that other dude said its limited like those tentacles from HL. The Hydra was prolly never meant to be a mainstream enemy just a cool effect in some area of the game...well we have to wait and see..
To me, the hydra looked like a really annoying baddie.