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  1. blackout

    New Hi-Res shots of Portal 2 Surface, Companion Cube Returns

    ah ok, thanks guys, I was kinda worried because when I tried the demo for Shogun 2 it didn't run quite as perfectly as I's like it to have done- that is, NO antiailiasing for some reason, that thing where textures don't fully load untill you get close up to them, and slightly laggy animations...
  2. blackout

    New Hi-Res shots of Portal 2 Surface, Companion Cube Returns

    looks awsome! I'm startin to worry though- I have a NVidia GeForce 9800 GT(X?) and my processor is an intel core2 Quad, any Ideas if I'm gonna be able to run something like this well?
  3. blackout

    Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

    yeah but Valve may be lying, I really doubt somehow that they'll totally discontinue the connection.
  4. blackout

    Does anyone actually Care about DOTA/DOTA 2?

    this^ it's a shitty warcraft-based game of some kind, I have no idea why valve are touching shit like this...
  5. blackout

    Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

    perhaps we can negotiate something...? :rolling:
  6. blackout

    Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

    I'm not getting exited enough :( I hate it when I'm not exited about something I wanna be exited about.
  7. blackout

    Shogun 2: Total War

    only played rome and shogun 1, both were awsome. although now I'm a little concerned about the high system reqs. of Shogun 2, the demo didn't run too well either :|
  8. blackout

    Hi there, can I just say it's good to see at least one other christian in the largely-atheist...

    Hi there, can I just say it's good to see at least one other christian in the largely-atheist midst of these forums. God blesss :)
  9. blackout

    Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

    not the first mention of such a theory. hope it's true...
  10. blackout

    Does anyone actually Care about DOTA/DOTA 2?

    oh and I forgot to mention, that I voted the last one- infact I kinda put that one in with me in mind... also; first successfull thread :D joy turns to sadness upon forseeing imminent derail :(
  11. blackout

    Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

    ****it, I looked anyway; no major spoilers, I was just concerned about potential Episode 3/borealis references.
  12. blackout

    Does anyone actually Care about DOTA/DOTA 2?

    interested to get some statistics on this one- let the polling commence.
  13. blackout

    Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

    mmm, I really dunno whether to look or not? how bad are the spoilers?
  14. blackout

    Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

    how bad are the spoilers? I'm not sure whether to look or not? this, I'm actually really thankfull for the delay as it's the easter holidays at the time; no school :D
  15. blackout

    Shogun 2: Total War

    demo was sweet, felt the campaign interface could be made clearer though.
  16. blackout

    Chell on front cover of Canard PC magazine

    dear God no....
  17. blackout

    Chell on front cover of Canard PC magazine

    am I the only one who thinks they've changed chell's face quite a bit?
  18. blackout

    Adrian Shephard in HL2EP3?

    you're all heretics!
  19. blackout

    Breen really dead?

  20. blackout

    serious issue with crackling speakers:

    urrm, Intel core 2 quad.