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  1. Mr. Waffles

    importing textures

    hmmmmm..i tried doing that, but the textures come out as purple and black boxes, then dont show up there a place where i can just like download them already made and ready? im trying to get a texture so the skybox is a dark blue and starry, like a starry night real late
  2. Mr. Waffles

    importing textures

    anyways..thanks a bunch for the tut ^_^
  3. Mr. Waffles

    importing textures

    ...12 files? i htought there was just 6.. ft bk up dn lf rt ....what others is there?
  4. Mr. Waffles

    Surf Ramps....

    oooooh lawl i totally forgot about the vertex tool lmao thanks a bunch ^_^
  5. Mr. Waffles

    importing textures

    ok, so i made 6 textures for my map, named nightsbk, ft, etc. and saved em as .vtf's.. where do i put them so i can use them in hammer? do i need to use gcfscape?
  6. Mr. Waffles

    Surf Ramps....

    Ok, so does anyone have a good way of making surf ramps? (the triangles, not the slivers) i try, but they come out retarded, or too flat lol, and ive tried to take 1 ramp from other maps, but when i resize it, it becomes retarded lol so does anyone have a good way of making surf ramps?
  7. Mr. Waffles

    Quake Sounds

    Does anyone know where i can get the quake sounds, and how to install it? is it a mod or what, i have mani admin on my server, and i want to install quake sounds, but i dont know how, ive used the search button, and searched google, can some1 help me out here?
  8. Mr. Waffles

    Prop Question

    when i say flowers, i mean like induvidual or small groups, not a hugething like that.. but thans for trying to help
  9. Mr. Waffles

    Prop Question

    Oh, ok, thanks that answers my question ^_^ now my real there any props of flowers? because im trying to make a flower bed, but i dont know how....
  10. Mr. Waffles

    Prop Question

    oh, my bad, its a prop_static
  11. Mr. Waffles

    Prop Question

    Ok..i dont get it, i made a prop for my map and i put it as a plant in cs_office, but it doesnt show up on the map ingame.....whats wrong? P.S. if it matters, part of the prop is underground so you cant see the bottom of it..
  12. Mr. Waffles

    Total Noob tutorials?

    thanks for the help guys :D when my friend gets on he'll be one happy camper lol
  13. Mr. Waffles

    Total Noob tutorials?

    Ok, so im getting fed up with this, my friend keeps bugging me about learning how to map for he asked me to help him like 24/7 and i dont have the time anymore.... So, what i was wondering is, does anyone know of an excellent tutorial for the total beginner who knows absolutely...
  14. Mr. Waffles

    Model issues...

    no, its not the card, in some maps its normal and in others it isnt on the same server.......and they are not really "moving" but they change positions as they person moves like it will turn colors more
  15. Mr. Waffles

    First model - Guitar

    OMFG..that is sexy lol my first model was a sword that was all box-modelled in 3dsmax xD
  16. Mr. Waffles

    Model issues...

    Ok, i dont get it, on some maps, the models are perfectly fine..but on some maps, they turn greenish red and its really annoying....... heres some pictures: BAD: GOOD: ----------------------------------------- What wrong? I have an nVidia GeForce 4 MX with the...
  17. Mr. Waffles

    helpful tut?

    Does anyone have a link or something to a helpful tut for a major noob on how to get started in coding? i know some coding knowledge, but i am clueless on what to edit and whatnot in the mod folder
  18. Mr. Waffles


    @ raeven, wheni say that, i mean liketake out REALLY small parts of it like just small walls that have special features, like one side is see-through, the other isnt, and you CAN shoot through it.. but it doesnt work for me...can you tell me please what settings you use when you extract...
  19. Mr. Waffles

    starting help

    oh ya... lol thanks :D
  20. Mr. Waffles


    ya, but one of the errors that REALLY ticks me off is when i extract a map, and try to take a small part of that map and put it in a map im making, it just gives me errors when compiled until i take it out.........