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  1. DJ_Cheeba

    Show Us Your Spray (Paint That Is)

    Here is my personal favorite! Blood for Blood anyone?
  2. DJ_Cheeba

    so whats up with the 6800's?

    Omfg that is funny on so many levels :laugh:
  3. DJ_Cheeba

    What's the deal with x mbps connections?

    It has to do with your internet provider, because when I had 2mbps DSL, I tested out at just that. If you are running DSL that uses PPOE, then that is the reason for the fractional bandwidth. The overhead of the PPOE is bottleneching your computer. Try asking if they have a STATIC IP option...
  4. DJ_Cheeba

    512mb to 1gig RAM! ! !

    Well, I did mod my XFX Geforce 6800GT with a Arctic cooling NV Silencer 5. I also made a fan duct mod to get better airflow in my case and that took off about 5 degrees C (at full speed) If anyone wants the directions for this mod, just email me. It really works well, but uses 2 free drive bays.
  5. DJ_Cheeba

    512mb to 1gig RAM! ! !

    Bump! ! !
  6. DJ_Cheeba

    Are 5.1 headphones any good?

    I have really enjoyed my Zalman theatre 6 headphones, they really seem to reproduce the sound field accuratley. I am in a apt with all wood floors, and my Klipsch 4.1s are a little too loud to be playing games with ;) So I got these badboys a few weeks ago. You have to tweak your sound...
  7. DJ_Cheeba

    512mb to 1gig RAM! ! !

    Damn, I knew another 512mb of ram would help, but going to a gig was all it took to rid my machine of the hdd thrashing between levels in DOOM 3! Check out the my sig and suggest any other minor upgrades / tweaks before HL2 hits :)
  8. DJ_Cheeba

    What Video Card...

    But the last couple generations of video cards do not get enough power from the AGP bus, so you need some extra power from the PSU. So a 350 watt or better is recomended for a 9800Pro, and a 6800GT will really need a 400watt or more. Hope that helps :)
  9. DJ_Cheeba

    What graphics card is best for me?

    Great advice Blahblahblah! ! ! :) Unbiased and well rounded! ! ! :)
  10. DJ_Cheeba

    Should I upgrade processor or not?

    Thats a great deal! Just go to your local computer store and see what they might have for a basic p4 hsf unit. They might even have an extra box fan left over. Good luck with the new upgrade :)
  11. DJ_Cheeba

    Should I upgrade processor or not?

    I would say the faster chip right now, although you did just get a new mobo right? The 2.8 will give you a more noticeable increase. Especially if you run it with a 6800 series card. I would personally go with the 2.8B. IMO ;)
  12. DJ_Cheeba

    Should I upgrade processor or not?

    I say, why not? It doesnt sound like you were going to be upgrading the cpu any time soon anyway, and this sounds like a good oppertunity to get it done. I found the price on a P4 2.8B at for $173.00 :eek: Thats a great deal! ! ! Especially scince your running ddr266. . . If...
  13. DJ_Cheeba

    New Apple 23" Cinema Display

    OMFG, I actually think you might die of a heart attack if you play HL2 on that! Imagine a f*ckin outdoor firefight and actually being able to see your perifrial vision? Have fun with it bud :)
  14. DJ_Cheeba

    psu fan

    Is there a three pin connector comming out of your PSU? Some models of PSU's use a three pin connection for one of the fans for noise rasons. If there is, and it is connected to your mobo it may be controlled by the computer to only come on when the case temp hits a certain temp. If not, then...
  15. DJ_Cheeba

    Help me buy a PC!

    Like Blahblahblah said, a budget would be good helpful. But the good news is you can do this fairly cheap these days. If you already have a decent monitor, speakers etc. That will cut the cost a bit :)
  16. DJ_Cheeba

    LCD vs. CRT

    Good advice. . . As always :thumbs:
  17. DJ_Cheeba

    plz somebody help me out with gf6800 and x800 pro

    No prob Newbies Journey :)
  18. DJ_Cheeba

    plz somebody help me out with gf6800 and x800 pro

    Ooops my bad I saw this card on another page and it claims that it is a 12 pipe card. I would stick with the card man, I personally love both ATI and Nvidia. But I would stick with what you got, as Blahblahblah said b4 that the performance is so good on both that you will not notice a...
  19. DJ_Cheeba

    plz somebody help me out with gf6800 and x800 pro

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: A pack of gum......AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... its funny because its true....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  20. DJ_Cheeba

    plz somebody help me out with gf6800 and x800 pro

    Return it for a 6800 GT if you can, personally I think the card you have is a rip off considering that it only has 12 pipes, and it still cost you what a GT would have. . . Im not flaming, I just want to help. I seroiusly would return it if you could for a GT version and get the full 16 pipes...