Yeah a lot of games companies do delay their games but then most companies announce the delay on their website or official forum. Valve has neither and instead seems to do it's official information posting by sending solitary emails to a randomly determined news site.
I think the community...
They do seem pretty busy with fixes to steam and cs and also they will be working on whatever has caused the delay so all in all they will be pretty busy but it would be nice to receive some form of official word as to why.
Delays happen in game development, we all know it and there's no...
I invented inventions back in the summer of '64. I claim you all as my property on account of you using oxygen which I also invented.
Anyone know the release date for starship troopers? and hl?
If you had a point Orson welles and tolkein between them could probably claim the rights to half...
Depends. If it all turns outr to be Vivendi's fault then I will definitely get the game via steam now. If it turns out to be a problem with valve or steam or something I'm still gonna get the game becuase it will be good enough to justify the purchase no matter what.
Valve have never hyped it, we did it all for them. Rumours and denials and arguments and forums etc all did the hyping, valve have been phenominally quiet for a game developer, I mean they don;t even have a website for the game.
Feel free to delete this thread, it's more of a personal musing than anything of any substance.
I just realised that over the months of watching videos and looking at screen shots and checking these forums every 84 seconds I havn't actually once thought about playing the game.
I thought the alcatraz event was an ATI thing not a valve thing.
And as for putting your faith in IGN I lost all faith in them a long time ago when they became a giant advertising board, and any faith I had in them left along with Ivan.
If there is a delay personally I don't mind the actuall dealy, I do mind the lack of an announcement though.
What Valve needs is an official hl2 site where people can get news without having to have a mass debate and have to trust (or not trust) endless news items of speculation across all...
I'm a male programmer with a physics degree. When someone asks how long something will take in most companies you have several factors to consider.
1. Can I do it?
2. Will I get sacked if i can't?
3. My bosses have no clue, is my time being charged to a client?
4. if 3 = yes then can I...
I didn't pre-order simply because retailers have had no clue as to the release date of the game since it was announced and I don't think I can trust them to get the shipments in in advance. And also their pitiful attempts to look like they know more than us to conn people into preordering with...
Not another, I hope it's late so i can upgrade post. You can upgrade later if it comes out on time, nobody is gonna force you to buy it on release day, or maybe play it on older hardware and then upgrade later.
I know it's been debated over and over but what gets me is why wait 5 years in silence and then break that silence by announcing a date you might not make, after that length of time on the sly I'd expect them to announce it for a date they know 100% they can make.
With spitcodfry's visit the...
America has woken up and they've all tried to access the server at once by the looks of it. Poor steampowered webserver, I don't think it was designed to take the strain.
Pictoral proof of invisibility has never been the best system I know but the player name appearing under the cursor means there is a player there.
Maybe you don't have the player model files evo? or has it been alright before that? and was it just in that one map location? It could be the...
I was excited about planetside but my beta testing post put me off it. I might go back to it in 6 months when they have worked on it a fair bit.
Oh yeah and Pro evo soccer 1, 2 and 3 on ps2 :-)
Counter strike usp has to be my favourite weapon in any game of all time, not the most powerful gun but a solid backup weapon and so much fun taking on people when you are out gunned and have to rely on the trusty usp.
It has missions in an outdated system that has been surpassed many times over and is bland and unoriginal, apparently.
What gearbox were doing with it looked like a real step forwards, challenges and points and unlocking stuff could have been fantastic and something wholey new yet still in...