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  1. Au-heppa's Top 10 Games > Decade in Review

    Some games not in particular order: Half-Life 2 + Episodes Left 4 Dead Team Fortress 2 Fear 1 Mirror's Edge Psychonauts Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
  2. Au-heppa

    Personal Game of the Year for 2009

    I can't remember all the games I have played this year, but I think there's atleast Crysis, Crysis: Warhead, Fear 2, Zeno Clash, Mirror's Edge, Stalker: Clear Sky I also started playing Ghost Busters and Mass Effect, but didn't bother continuing either one from the beginning. I haven't played...
  3. Au-heppa

    Video/Picture request thread

    I remember that being posted on and then trying to find it again for some time after that.
  4. Au-heppa


    Tzidi MASK! Klämy tsäädy bäädy dädy dädä dää!
  5. Au-heppa


    I was reading the article, and what's even more interesting than being able to do photosynthesis, is that they can use the DNA/genes from the algae they have eaten. Imagine eating some pork and growing a pigtail.
  6. Au-heppa


    I would go out more if I could do photosynthesis, but sigh... I can't...
  7. Au-heppa


    Oh dear, the acting in the video that you see in the monitor. I think they got some more special effects going on in them in the AVP Gold edition. You could for example see a headcrab jump someone's face in one of them. But the acting was horrible compared to the original AVP equivalents. It...
  8. Au-heppa

    Rush Limbaugh gets owned by a jaw-less film critic.

    Hahaha. Conspiracy: "Hey, how do we fix the economy?" "I know, let's create an earth quake on Haiti, then ask for donations to help them, and steal the money!" "Okay!" I remember not liking him, mostly because of his opinions about Blue Velvet, but lately when reading some of his reviews of...
  9. Au-heppa

    What do you add to your tea? (black)

    Never thought of it that way. That's quite interesting point of view.
  10. Au-heppa

    Post a screenshot!

    I remember when I was playing it the first time. In the intro there was some kind of glitch with the animations, the neck would stretch out like someone was pulling it, it looked so hilariously bad. You would also have female characters walking with male character animations. But while the...
  11. Au-heppa

    What do you add to your tea? (black)

    What do I put into my tea? Coffee. I have 0% tea, 100% coffee, no milk, no cream, no sugar, nothing. Man up, people, and stop drinking tea.
  12. Au-heppa

    Tonight Show fiasco

    I see people in this forum have strong feelings about Coco and NBC.
  13. Au-heppa

    yo,darth vader is going to go pimping whit new shoes

    Hahahaha, that ad was awesome. I bet Samon is very excited by this, too.
  14. Au-heppa

    Let's Talk: Spring Semester

    I finally got my student funding cancelled which means I am soon to be a hobo. Or then I will have to move into my mom's basement, which will be tough, since she doesn't have one.
  15. Au-heppa

    Are you suffering from Avatar depression? if so please kill yourself

    The only depression I get from Avatar is that people actually seem to think it's worth all the hype.
  16. Au-heppa

    Losin mah hairz!

    :| :( ;(
  17. Au-heppa

    The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale

    The Horribly Familiar Repost with the Extremely Familiar Title by hot564231
  18. Au-heppa

    Things you liked as a child that embarasses the shit out of you now

    Whoaaaaaaa, whoaaaaaaaaa. You can't just go on like that to insult everyone on the thread. I for one, wasn't embarassed of anything!
  19. Au-heppa

    Things you liked as a child that embarasses the shit out of you now

    I can't honestly think of anything. Legos are still cool. Turtles are still cool. Everything I liked as a kid is still cool.