Rush Limbaugh gets owned by a jaw-less film critic.


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score

To: Rush Limbaugh
From: Roger Ebert

You should be horse-whipped for the insult you have paid to the highest office of our nation.

Having followed President Obama's suggestion and donated money to the Red Cross for relief in Haiti, I was offended to hear you suggest the President might be a thief capable of stealing money intended for the earthquake victims.

Here is a transcript from your program on Thursday:

Justin of Raleigh, North Carolina: "Why does Obama say if you want to donate some money, you could go to to direct you how to do so? If I wanted to donate to the Red Cross, why do I have to go to the White House page to donate?"

Limbaugh: "Exactly. Would you trust the money's gonna go to Haiti?"

Justin: "No."

Rush: "But would you trust that your name's gonna end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes?"

Justin: "Absolutely!"

Limbaugh: "Absolutely!"

That's what was said.

Unlike you and Justin of Raleigh, I went to Obama's web site, and discovered the link there leads directly to the Red Cross. I can think of a reason why anyone might want to go via the White House. That way they can be absolutely sure they're clicking on the Red Cross and not a fake site set up to exploit the tragedy.

But let me be sure I have this right. You and Justin agree that Obama might steal money intended for the Red Cross to help the wretched of Haiti.

This conversation came 48 hours after many of us had seen pitiful sights from Port au Prince. Tens of thousands are believed still alive beneath the rubble. You twisted their suffering into an opportunity to demean the character of the President of the United States.

This cannot have been an accident. A day earlier, in a sound bite from your show, you said "this will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, 'credibility' with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made-to-order for them."

Setting aside your riff on Harry Reid, consider what you imply. Obama will aid Haiti to please African-Americans. Haiti has lost untold thousands of lives. One third of the population has lost its homes. Countless people are still buried in the rubble. Every American president would act quickly to help our neighbor. You are so cynical and heartless as to explain Obama's action in a way that unpleasantly suggests how your mind works.

You have a sizable listening audience. You apparently know how to please them. Anybody given a $400 million contract must know what he is doing.

That's what offends me. You know exactly what you're doing.

Well. That was pretty awesome, and accurate, says I.
I have mixed feelings about Ebert normally but in this case I can say: right the **** on dude!
Holy ****. If Rush Limbaugh was assassinated, I wouldn't bat an eye.
reminds me of some catolic priest here that said something like "there will be worse tragedies if such things as the abortion bill are aproved and the others thing that will destory the family blablabla"
Rush: "But would you trust that your name's gonna end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes?"

Hahaha. Conspiracy: "Hey, how do we fix the economy?" "I know, let's create an earth quake on Haiti, then ask for donations to help them, and steal the money!" "Okay!"

I have mixed feelings about Ebert normally but in this case I can say: right the **** on dude!

I remember not liking him, mostly because of his opinions about Blue Velvet, but lately when reading some of his reviews of movies that I don't like, I have started to like him. :D
I say well played to Ebert. There is a line between valid criticism and lunacy. And Rush Limbaugh is spouting idiocy. It is sad how Limbaugh used this disaster to score cheap points. So how much of his $400 million is he donating ?
I've always respected Ebert's film reviews, even if I didn't agree with them.
well said, and you can donate to the Red Cross from almost any website, just make sure it says etc

you have to be retarded to give your hard earned money to the wrong people :|
I don't have any money to give to the Red Cross because I give too much money to the Red Cross.
I thought news wasn't based on assumptions.

Oh a talk show... that explains a fair bit actually.
Anyone that wants to start a donation to send Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly on a vacation to a highly seismically active area?

Or.. to plant bombs in their cars. I'm just saying.
I only listened to 4:20 but it seemed like Rush owned her.
To be fair, Rush Limbaugh did own that woman.
He did, but as the other guys were saying, she did kind of fall flat when arguing with him.
To be fair, Rush Limbaugh did own that woman.

It sounded like her only objective was to get interrupted by Rush so that she could pretend to take the high road and say "If you'd let me finish what I was saying..."

I really doubt she had much more to say if he had let her go on babbling too.
the guys admits that he's basically a troll anyway, i don't know why people continue to take what he says at face'd think his audience would notice the absurdly large population of people who can see through the bullshit.

If you ever get into a political argument with a friend and they quote rush limbaugh you should immediately break out into laughter and punch a woman in the face.
the guys admits that he's basically a troll anyway, i don't know why people continue to take what he says at face value...

but they do. or else he wouldnt have as many listeners/readers as he does

you'd think his audience would notice the absurdly large population of people who can see through the bullshit.

they're called lieberals. the fence dividing both sides is clearly visible. you cant see over to the other side if your fence is 10 miles high
the guys admits that he's basically a troll anyway, i don't know why people continue to take what he says at face'd think his audience would notice the absurdly large population of people who can see through the bullshit.

That's pretty true. He gets paid for trolling. He gets paid $400 million for doing what people in youtube and other forums do.