flangongle...It's a game magazine, not a newspaper, they don't have to be creative in their writing, just truthful, and informative...and as for it not being front page news...i say again, it's a game magazine...and they put the reviews on the cover that are new, and that everyone is waiting...
The truth is, is that he was not selling the game, what he was doing was preloading it for them basically, they'd still have to buy the game in order to play it, because of the .exe files...But he's still a moron for thinking somoene would pay five dollars for it, and the fact that it's illegal...
I disagree, sure halo wasn't as good as Half-Life, but it is right up there with games of the same quality :)
BTW: Bungie is one of my favorite companies...LOVED MARATHON!!!
Seriously, halo was a good game, the people who write penny arcade are some pessimistic dick heads...
I can understand them not liking it, but it was a solid game, and a good one at that, and they shouldn't say that Bull.
MY 2c
By L337_Assasain
...There's a difference between a good game, and a well made one, Halo2, doom3, and HL2 are both of them (and farcry...oops). Doom3 was a well made game, but not a very fun one, thus in my oppinion, doom 3 was not as good as halo1...Halo2 is a very well made game, but...
As someone said before, you're brother is a seriouslt misinformed dick...
I'm sorry...but it's true, and as for halo being the worst game ever made...tell him to go blow himself :P
I happen to be a younger then most gamer (15) yet some of my favorite games include starcraft, marathon, marathon 2, and the original unreal (they will be missed). I found these games to be extremely immersive, and i admit, i want games to have good graphics, but they don't need to be perfect...
Actually, i've noticed some stones to produce a gleamy appearance, that's besides the point ;)
She...wtf is wrong with you???
Source is not outdated, and yes, the shadows aren't perfect, but to say that the game looks dated because of them is rediculous. The graphics in hl2 are amazing...
The shadows are not that great, and to tell you the truth, they do bother me a little, and will PROBABLY effect the realism when i HAPPEN to notice them, but this is minor compared to what i've noticed in other games, such as what they say is cheesy, or the story line sucks, or the gameplay...
Alot of people are going to be burning the hl2 files to DVD, but my question is how, I just read in a thread that the files all together are 5.05 gigs, but when i add them up i only get 2.48, am i missing something?
Not only that, but the files named Base Source i can't even open, is that...