Can't really compare a PC to a console.
A PC is a lot more than a gaming machine in my opinion.
I usually play FPS and strategy games on my PC and the other types (driving, beatemup, partygames etc) on my PS2.
It's a great machine if you look at how old it is now, and there's thousands of...
She didn't do a very good job at raising her little 21 year old if he still writes forumposts like a 12 year old. Can't blame a Hawaiian crackwhore for that i guess.
Pointless post?
I wonder how you became a Zombie on these boards :rolleyes:
Beat that? Wtf are you talking about?
I'm pretty sure TO YOU it's the most peaceful and beautiful city in the world.
I, on the other hand, couldn't give a flying **** about Honolulu, Hawaii.
And that's just it.
I really can't figure out why all these Americans think Britain and the rest of Europe are jealous.
I certainly wouldn't want to live in the USA.
I'm using Winamp 2.8, and it's there ;)
Between Input and Visualisation is Output, in the preferences window.
If it's not in there, try the other stuff i wrote.