Titanic, and if you disgaree that it wasn't a masterpiece then you can't possibly have the capacity to be "moved" by a motion picture. I mean the gross income for that movie alone should shut you up.
What do you expect? The majority of people that use that website are 12-year-olds posing as horny sluts and wanna-be gangsters who think it's cool tO TyPe LiKe ThIS. Oh, and the bands on MySpace are pretty annoying too. I'm tired of getting automated friend requests and event invitations from...
One of the factors that separates HalfLife2.net from GameSpy is that they don't monopolize their forums with subsections for console versions of the same damn game. If someone is having trouble getting the game to run on their console, there's not much that can be done but to replace the...
I request here and now to know the following information by December 16, 2005:
1. Does the poster of the topic in the linked URL (ButchCassidy) have a life?
Failure to comply with this very simple request will result in the following action:
Nothing. No one gives a flying ****.
I'm surprised you're asking this question considering you can figure that out with a mere glance at your PC's time on the bottom right of the screen, as it updates automatically via the Internet.
To answer your question, you pull your clock back one hour.
Oh I'm here. I just don't post as much. :)
The spirit of SuperTrooper lives on in all our hearts. I've noticed that you have brought him up quite a number of times recently and in the past, which always flatters me and every other fan of ST in the world. Roxor on, friendly. :thumbs:
Ok, so it turns out it's just from some guy's rendered video reel, and not Halo 3 at all.