I want the Ultramegavaplasmaporiz0rkiller, it will look something like this:
/""""""""""""""\ |§§§§§|-\
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It WILL be a coop mod, "SVEN COOP"...and i think it will rock.
Edit: This poll is silly, sorry.
I voted "NO" because i know that there will be no COOP mode for HL2, it will be made after HL2 is released.
Wow, a very original and insightful comment.
No really, why do someone always have to ask "who cares?" ?
Somebody cares right? If not, why would they create a post about it?
Good one :smoking:
Have anyone thought about vALVE making scripts for the demos? So that every action in the game are scripted to make everyhing run like they want to.
They already said that there was no man playing the game while showing it to the people.