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  1. H

    Nvidia 77.77 drivers out

    guru3d is a trustworthy site, besides what you're saying that you wouldn't trust if they started hosting drivers?
  2. H


    which router do you have?
  3. H

    Nvidia 77.77 drivers out

    Who actually checks the nvidia site?
  4. H


    ... you go to
  5. H

    Vsync on or off?

    I only use vsync in games that i can get good performance in...:eek: :eek:
  6. H

    Urgent Questions About Networking

    Or bridge the connections and leave the one connected to the modem on 24/7.
  7. H

    Nvidia 77.77 drivers out

    Nah, the 77.76, and all the 75.xx work....
  8. H

    New computer advice

    Yeah, get a fast internet connection, and if you have a router, get a better one that will give you much better pings.
  9. H

    Logitech elite keyboard or logitech media keyboard?

    it says that you posted at 12:20 am then posted again at 11:05....
  10. H

    Friend Cannot Play CSS, Help

    Use the 77.76, or 77.77 or 75.xx or 77.74 or 77.56. 71.89 is too old, i had this problem and only had to go up to 77.76.
  11. H

    Geforce 7800 GT released

    there's still a gtx being sold for 479 dollars....
  12. H


    update firmware, or get openwrt or hyperwrt if you have a compatible router. Check if your antennae is screwed on tight.
  13. H

    Power supply for 6800gt

    i got 1 gb of ram a 2800 overclocked to 2.37, 2 hard drives, and a dvd burner + a 5700. My 450 watt peice of shit sometimes shuts off my comp when it gets hot.
  14. H

    Vsync on or off?

    I'm pretty sure that there's an option in almost every game for vsync.
  15. H

    OCing a Dell Dimension

    If you bought a retail, you could just oc from the bios...
  16. H

    The end of OpenGL?

    Linux will never use any licensed software
  17. H

    good deal?

    Get the thermaltake armor. or kandalf both have room for a crazy amount of fans, and support a btx conversion kit.
  18. H

    The end of OpenGL?

    So many other things use opengl, microsoft cant kill it.
  19. H

    cd roms disabled?

    Most likely a virus or something has corrupted something. Reformat.:borg:
  20. H

    OCing a Dell Dimension

    It should probably be better, since it doesn't have the limitations that dell puts on their motherboards. Since you can't increase the voltage, just decrease your speed.