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  1. wayne white

    Guild Wars: Guild Discussion

    stupid question alert: im a warrior/monl level 10 i do join thr guild?
  2. wayne white

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

    is it only on dvd???!!!!
  3. wayne white

    Teh Best game you've never played (probably)

    beyond good and evil
  4. wayne white

    I've given in....

    bought it yesterday,already human warrior lvl 7 on kilrog,all i can say its...WOW!...the other online game i played was asherons call but this is way,way better than ac.
  5. wayne white

    Beatles A-Z

    nowhere man
  6. wayne white

    Final Fantasy!

    i like the one with kefka best.
  7. wayne white

    upcoming games

    two words:guild wars.
  8. wayne white

    Games that you cant "get into"

    the guy that said he could not get into rtw should be speared.
  9. wayne white


    try to live in cuba like i did ,for 19 years ,and then tell me of any upsides to that system.
  10. wayne white

    "We don't go to Falluja anymore"

    can anyone really believe than in a city of 200 000 people there are only 800 deaths?
  11. wayne white

    All Nvidia Users Read

    i dont know why but i get very ,very good framerates with an old pci only 5200 fx,yet almost everybody here says its a bad card.
  12. wayne white

    Best Guitar Solos

    agree wiyh dalamari 100%
  13. wayne white

    Gah! Inner Voices? What Inner Voices?

    maybe your inner voice is mute?
  14. wayne white

    Next big PC title?

    elder srolls 3
  15. wayne white

    HL2 has ruined gaming!

    to qriginal poster:jedi academy sucks.
  16. wayne white

    Do any of the characters remind you of real people?

    i didnt even knew his name!i thouhgt it was sean connery up there,lol.
  17. wayne white

    What Clan will you choose?

    malkavian all the way!
  18. wayne white

    Does this game use the same Physics Engine as HL 2???>>....

    its the same engine ,people(havoc).
  19. wayne white

    Alyx wears purple panties

    i have to wait for my next payday to buy the game and i got a ?,does she look wrinkled and old like in some screenshots i seen or hot like in the binks?
  20. wayne white

    First VTMB review (94%) & 60+ hours of gamesplay!!!111

    woohoo get that halo fanboys!