I will be listening to this: http://www.deagostini.co.uk/ilovehorses/love.swf on repeat just so I get so pissed off I'll be kicking ass till the game ends.
Ok, I bet this has already been posted, but the sample from the Prima Guide found here http://www.primagames.com/strategy/book/inside/6532/ is a really interesting read. Sure it has a few minor spoilers, but it gives you a little insight into the gameplay. Also, is it me or do the scanners look...
why are there headcrabs? i think you mean.
im not sure if this is a spolier or not but don't they come down in some kinda pods or something. Perhaps Breen is breeding them to takeover the places outside of the cities 1-17 in order to create fear and supress the people to these cities so they...