i know im being a pessimist.
but the story pretty much repeated that
1)lots of rumors of gold are flying around
2)those rumors are based on unconfirmed information that a 5th rc has been sent off, and more bugs have been squashed.
nothing new, other than a news site saying "yeah there are...
Any revisions to the site are either in new words (darned hard to guess unless they know we are trying a certain word over and over)
or changes to sites that we've already found.
Maybe someone got bored and wanted to have a little fun with us.
I'm not seeing any other clues on where to look...
i got mine a week after a friend of mine, who lives less then 6 miles away from me.
doh. I'm going to be waiting a while. Too bad Iowa isn't closer to wherever the printing press is.
I also remember talk of TFc2 being ported to source.
Who knows, maybe they will forgo porting to source and work on releasing TF2 sooner. Besides, a lot of the revolutionary aspects of TF2 are now pretty common among war fps games arn't they?
sooner it's released, less VU looses out on sales.
I don't think they'd hold the game back on principle or as a grudge while Valve sells copies online.
Over time, Valve will make more sales. The number increases when Vivendi isn';t offering the hard copies. So they probably want to churn...
They can't get you onboard with one set of agreements, change them, and hold you to the new rules without your agreement on the change.
edit: And it's not so much amatter of looking up changes, for you to use the service, they would have to bring it to your attention. Either you can't play...
Valve files suit against sierra/vivendi for not paying valve its fair share for cyber cafe copies of valve games
more recently, Vivendi files a suit against valve for misleading Vivendi on the purpose of steam and breaching their distribution contract.
Vivendi claims that Valve assured them...
They kept pouring money into it because they knew how much they'd capitalize cutting out middlemen once the fully functional steam/hl2 release became a reality.
If I bought the standard version from a store (css and hl2) i would get it for 50-55$.
I don't know what percent valve gets from that.
But they sell for the same price online, and get the whole pie.
I am going to be lynched for this, but if I was associated with Vivendi I would be a tad...
i still havn't seen revolutions, or played kotor.
after reloaded I lost my drive to see it. and kotor, just never got my hands on it.
meh its all good. .. assholes. jk ;D