Valve, Whats the status for TFC:Source?


What the Hell?

All in all after looking over the way CS:source looks, I'm extremely impressed. thanks for the posts of images from the ones playing allready. I almost yanked out my credit card, but I'm still holding out for the retail boxes. ( I'm old fashioned, I love a case and cd/dvd on my desk)

Now I'm not at all a CS fan, but the new look makes me want to get in there just to play with the enviroment. beautiful from what I have seen,but one thing I really would love to know is simply this:

How goes TFC:Source?

Is it still in the possibility of happening? I know you are working on TF2, but to be honest with you I prefer the gameplay of TFC. ( this is of course based on the information we recieved previously by you Valve back in the '90's on the develpoment of TF2, which you could admit was a different game than TFC is)

I played TF from quake days, then 5 years and counting of TFC, and I would love to play the next generation of that game.

SO how about giving an old timer some meat to chew on in the mean time while I patiently await for HL2 going gold. Any forthcoming information would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
Newsflash : TF was a quakemod, not quake2. So stop pretending you're oldschool.
Yeah, it was quake 1. I didnt even like quake 2. Back then it wasn't even called Classic though.
Gabe said they are porting TFC to Source, but they haven't said anything else about it.
TFC:Source got shoved up my 10 years i will puke it up and it will be reborn.
Btw, I suggest you email Valve about it. You never know...
tfc source would be the greatest thing ever concieved by man, do it valve, DO IT NOW DO IT DO IT NOW!!!!
TFC:S probably was scraped but TF2 for sure is not scrapped. It's likely that they just don't want another 'sold' deathmatch game to interfere with the possible success of TF2. That's why there isn't HLDM2(HLDM:S) or TFC:S.
Wsh said:
TFC:S probably was scraped but TF2 for sure is not scrapped. It's likely that they just don't want another 'sold' deathmatch game to interfere with the possible success of TF2. That's why there isn't HLDM2(HLDM:S) or TFC:S.
Completely wrong. There will be a TFC:S as per the big man himself, and you have obviously never played it as it is about as far from deathmatch as you will get.
impakt said:
Newsflash : TF was a quakemod, not quake2. So stop pretending you're oldschool.

when did he say it was for quake 2?
i didnt see that....

anyway, i remember playin TF the original for the quake engine back when it came out. I used to play it on "Mplayer" all the time it was great.

my sweet ass dial up connection, rockin through hilarious 4fort4 maps with snipers from every corner...

the rocket jump and detpacks "bind j +det10"

quake 1 single handedly got me into computers... before quake i would have never cared to learn anything...
video games are the only reason i even know how to type...

typing between deaths or quick swear words at enemys :sniper:
lol TF deathmatch :)
IMHO the best game suited for e-sports.

Anyway glad nobody is saying TFC2 here :)
Gabe said they will be porting TFC to source? Where was that said, if you cant scrape up a link?
TFC:S is suppose to come, probably not for awhile though. They promised they would talk about TF2 after HL2 was released. Actually Lombardi said "I would be suprised if there isn't an announcement made after the release of Half Life 2."
I also remember talk of TFc2 being ported to source.

Who knows, maybe they will forgo porting to source and work on releasing TF2 sooner. Besides, a lot of the revolutionary aspects of TF2 are now pretty common among war fps games arn't they?
I would love to see Team Fortress Classic given the same treatment as Counter Strike: Source. Question is, if Valve did port it, would it be free like the original?
razorblade kiss said:
^ f a g g o t
Please don't troll the forums like that - we don't like it and have to start banning people..
I would love to see Team Fortress Classic given the same treatment as Counter Strike: Source

im also into computers today just because of Quake TF :dork:
ALOT of ppl simply stopped playing TFC because they got tired of this game that doesnt get any new updates. patching for TFC pretty much stopped for 3 years now. ppl got tired of the game :rolleyes:
i know most of them will get back into the game if there's a good reason and TFC:S can be just that reason.

Give us TFC:S plz :(
pingu said:
tfc source would be the greatest thing ever concieved by man, do it valve, DO IT NOW DO IT DO IT NOW!!!!

Use i before e except after c or when sounded like a as in neighbor or weigh; and except seize and seizure and also leisure, weird, height, and either, forfeit, and neither

TFC : Source would round off this title as the greatest game(s) ever!
They are making TF2, and they have said numerous times that they will release more info on TF2 after HL2 is launched.
I want to now how a game gets 'scraped'. Do you get the disc and hack it along a wall? But I'm just being picky.

Doesn't the Team Fortress 2 site still exist, with all the old media still on it?
TFC:S or TF2 would be the best half life mod, it was my personal favorite back in the day. i hope it really comes out