toilets is my best guess, but didn't gabe say something about the toilets not being the egg? As for the guy being doug lombardi's digital self... i dont think they look alike at all except for having the same hair colour...
how can u say it ruins relationships? I just made one with a girl on yahoo who says she's incredibly good looking and for some reason wants to meet me in the back alley behind a porno theatre... and for some reason she want to meet me right next to a rusty black van with no windows... dont...
just curious if anyone knows why everytime i close my browser and come back to, the site doesn't remember me and i have to fill in my name and password even after i check the "remember me" box
girls r such a heartache... i feel for u man. I recently came out of a very messy ending to a 1 yr relationship... and that was 4 months ago and i still think about it on almost a daily basis. Just give it time, cause sure enough u will start feelin better and it helps a lot when u find...
timmy leaving? this is somewhat out of the blue.. is there a reason behind this? This better not be one of those attention grabbers or i shall smite u.
i like the baby idea. Here i get artsy... considering we always see children to be innocent and pure kinda thing, and i guess hell takes their image and they're projecting them as something disturbing, and i hafta say it worked. Its creepy to see that polarization.
i've heard a few of their songs and like their style but the songs u mentioned i haven't heard, they're downloading now and i'll let ya know. My favourite song from them that i've heard is pardon me