It may be because of the differences between the same model video card, for instance there may be a few that can hardly overclock at all, so its best just to be on the safe side. (That may be wrong)
This is a bit off topic, but I've just fitted an arctic cooler to my 9800pro. Just wondering, if I havn't made a very good job of it, would I get artifacts pretty much straight away in Farcry? Is that the best way of telling?
Asus - so if I up the fsb to say 175mhz, then shall I just up the memory to 175mhz as well?
Regarding GPU: How do you permantly overclock it, as software like atitool just does it temporarily does it not?
Anyone who has got/use the LG 17" screens: Do you know if when you run games in 1024x768 the screen stretches the picture to fit, or it just has blank bars around the edge?
I'm new to overclocking and I've got a couple of questions:
I've upped the fsb by 6mhz (from 166mhz) with no problems, I'm wondering how much I can up it before I need to alter voltages?
I have 400mhz ram, does this mean I can keep the ram:fsb at 1:1?
How do you find out gpu clock speeds...
Dawdler, what model LG have you got? I'm thinking of getting this:
I'm currently using an old Philips flat, with rt of about 30ms, so hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.
I'm thinking of getting a 17" flatscreen, but I'm worried that if my computer cant handle 1280x 960 then the game won't look very good at 1024x768 due to flat screen optimal resolutions.
(specs btw: athlon 2800, 1gb ram, 9800pro)