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    TFC: Source?

    Yeah, but remember, we have that game called Team Fortress 2 that was postponed untill hell froze over, and guess what, the temerature is starting to drop =]
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    Anyone else extremely disappointed in Source?

    No, I was just posting pictures of Gabe and his Security person >.> The picture of gabe just had the krispy kreme remark on it and I couldn't find a better one. :o
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    Anyone else extremely disappointed in Source?

    Compare Ehhh =/
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    What The Hell Is Going On?

    Wow, people stop taking one good joke and posting it again and again, it gets annoying. Sometimes steam is really slow, like the janitor could be using your content server to dl pr0n.
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    Things That You DONT like to see in HL2..

    No, I ment I don't want Lamers in HL2, it gets annoying like sometimes like the hostie killers in CS. Also don't want Hax0rZ
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    Modder builds a City with Far Cry! (pics)

    The first picture looks really cheesy, but the second one lookds nice!
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    Holy Crap!!! New Halo 2 screenie!

    HL2 Hype Meter 9.8 HALO2 Hype Meter : 4.6 THat picture raised it a bit, even if it is concept art.
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    Almost everything is possable. Thats why I don't like Dells, it limits your choices =]
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    anyone know if hl2 will support win98?

    Sweeett!!! Good news for all the moms there who don't care about computers =] (and cheep companys)
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    News from Gabe regarding pre-loading and CS:S

    Alright, so this is very good news. IF only they wouldah told us yesterday, when all our problems seemed so far away.
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    Things That You DONT like to see in HL2..

    Lamers. (10letterpostthingy)
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    M.F.S.R Movement For Shephard's Return

    ' You mean you weren't supposto kill the sceintists? OH CRAP! :flame:
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    Half-Life=the best game of all time?

    Pokemon = Best Games of all time Halflife = Best Series of all time... Gottah Catch 'em ALL! You should play HL so you have a better understanding of HL2. It could get confusing. :cheers:
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    ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

    One of Gabe's goons told me. He drove a white moped. Thats all I can say. =]
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    Do You Trust Valve With Your Credit Card Info? wouldn't get HL2 untill its all over. :(
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    pick up/throw with hands?

    Yeah, like in the very beggining if you throw the soda can at the guards they'll beat you like a red headed stepchild. Hours of pointless entertainment.
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    ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

    "I'll give you an offer you can't refuse. Burn the production factorys that produce doom 3, and i'll let you playtest HL2 " Gabe is the Don of the gaming industry. I heard they were going to beat the guy who stole the source code with a baseball bat.
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    anyone know if hl2 will support win98?

    Guys, don't go shouting "HL2 IS XP ONLY!" I thought the game supported 2k. Teh Gabe man says0rz You can see it is prefered that you have 2k/ XP, but you CAN run it on 98. 0_O. Edit: Could a Moderator switch this to the hardware forum?
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    Ram or Graphics?

    Thanks a ton =]
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    Ram or Graphics?

    I'm in the middle of getting the parts for my new computer, and i'm wondering, should I get a 9600 pro with 1k mb o' ram or a 9800 pro with 2k ram? >.> This is going to be my first computer that I made instead of some company, so it is a Giant Step for me =]