Search results

  1. P

    Artists Look Here in concept artists.....drawing stuff
  2. P

    Artists Look Here

    :flame: I am leading a Half Life2 mod, and need artists. I have all the other positions filled, and my team is very talented. So if your interested Aim me (poisonspider35) or Msn me ([email protected]) Oh and I will give you more infomation when you aim me...:dork: :cheers...
  3. P

    mod idea

    is ANYBODY HERE AN ARTIST? I Have already begun a mod with a large team and and looking for ARTISTS!
  4. P

    Anyone know the Halflife Font?

    ya where can i get the half life font i actually need it
  5. P

    Valve not ready. What about Bloodlines then?

    the manipulator model is their, the pistolwhich is being used for the test demo gun which picks objects up and you can swing them me i know :P i have ..
  6. P

    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

    im just going to drag this thread one bymyself forever
  7. P

    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

    DNF F****************CK you! haha just kidddddin
  8. P

    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

    SHTup guys your changing the topic, show me the fing pictures
  9. P

    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

    i am still waiting
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    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

  11. P

    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

    that girl is hOttness
  12. P

    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

    how long till i see
  13. P

    3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

    I WANT TO SEE...where! can! I! SEE!
  14. P

    New High Quality Half-Life 2 Screenies

    omg LOSER!
  15. P

    Ethics of downloading

    I AGREE, with main post
  16. P

    Screenie fest

    full beta,,,if that even gets released it will take long for it to get in a good circulation....because it will be really really really....large
  17. P

    Screenie fest

    rubben! you miss my last post? aim me(poisonspider35) i wanna look at the shots
  18. P

    Screenie fest

    shup Xtakm4p !YOU SUCK! HAHAHA no but seriously, pfft on you im buying half life2 and getting the beta
  19. P

    Screenie fest

    i want link to the screens on aim