3D Realms Shocking World Exclusive!

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Okay I just couldn't keep myself quiet any longer. I am by no means a programmer, game maker or anything else that has to do with computers but I am a pizza delivery boy who enjoys playing games. And like most of you, I have been waiting desperately for Half Life 2. Unfortunately it seems as if the game source has been hacked by some retard and now, the game will not come out till 2004.

The day after the alleged "source hack" I was on my way to deliver 10 extra large pizzas to the main offices of 3D Realms. When I arrived at the office, their main lobby looked like there is a huge party going on. I was informed that they have changed yet again the game engine and the source code for Duke Nukem Forever for the 10th time. They claimed that the new engine and coding was acquired from a "Russian associate". They said that now that their greatest competition is pushing back to 2004, they will have a "surprise" release of DNF to be shipped on 11/27/2003. Anyways I got some exclusive screen shots, just looks a bit fishy to me….but they're totally exclusive! George Broussard and the rest of the 3D Realms crew weren't aware when I took these screenshots, they were too busy eating pizzas and drinking beer! OH YEAH ITS DONE!

Check them out now!!!

*Exclusive* Stunning new graphics from the newly acquired game engine! 3D Realms couldn't be any happier! Check out Duke's new armor suit! Awesome![\quote]

Love this line!
OMG I want that game!!! jaw dropping hiper-pixelated strippers!!! wooo!!!
lol, but this really dosen't belong in this forum :p
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If those pictures are half as funny as your post, I'd like to see some attachments. =D
hm please host on some other server because the bandwith is to low
I think the link DNF provided is max'd out. Can't view - what a shame. If I could view the screenshots, I might believe his story! ;)
The real question here is: what did they order on their pizza's?
You've exceeded bandwidth you fool. You suck, until this is fixed. Thus you have made me skeptical.

Since I can't see this pictures---can someones please say if they're a joke or for real?
me needs teh pictures, someone else host, or post them on the forums as attachments
you are one sick @#$%. Perhaps you should get banned for that.:dork:
Originally posted by Kem2000
? can someone plz check out the link below...i'm not sure what it is and I dont want 2 start gettin p0rn on my machine.


someone sent it to me via IRC
Nice try.
I honestly have no Idea what it really is...i am sorry if it was horrible....i really am....if its sick then is it like those images on that subliminal messages flash movie on albinoblack sheep......i must sayagain that I had no idea what it was......i just clicked the link but it looked disgustin so i unclicked it....i didnt know what it was though......sorry.....and its no the kind of images i look at either ok.....i was lookin 4 the HL2 beta (not anymore though)......someone told me that it was on that sight....I assumed it was the p0rn site that it was originaly leaked on......look.. i am only 15 and I do not want 2 look at sick pics ok.

Plz believe me

haha i am net savvy enough to know never to click on anything that says goatse or *******...unfortunately i know through experience. Eaaaagh get the mental image out of my head Eaauaaaagh
sorry, but you have no reason to post off-topic asking about what a web site is about... in other words, we don't believe you

on topic, someone please attach them pictures :p
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