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  1. P

    Screenie fest

    ruben message me on aim (poisonspider35)
  2. P

    haha HL2 talk about in lots of irc channels!!!

    whats supposed to be in the beta PATCH?
  3. P

    haha HL2 talk about in lots of irc channels!!!

    true dat, good post, provides some nice info .......yea i heard about the pre gold beta also, nobody knows if its true as of yet (which means almost the whole game to all the folks that dont know) anyways, what are some channels i can connect to
  4. P

    Adios Fellas

    im tired of threads. period
  5. P

    HAHA, funny

  6. P

    I don't understand one little thing ...

    Ati just wont released the card with the half life2, they will just release the card by itself, they still get to do it later,
  7. P

    Quick question regarding the HL2 beta media

    wussy lol dude its in circulation....once on the internet they cant do much about it except stop sights from hostings it and get the people that caused the problem in the first place
  8. P

    Half Life2 Beta Leak Poll

    lol people voted my extra stupid option
  9. P

    Half Life2 Beta Leak Poll

    i kinda screwed up,i meant to put (no i dont have the beta, and i dont want it) but you still get the general idea of things
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    Half Life2 Beta Leak Poll

    my bad again!, i was going to put No, But i want it for the 4th option.......but i am tired and cant remember shit
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    Half Life2 Beta Leak Poll

  12. P

    Here's a thought

    erm, no. i hate this thread. nothing personal. i want half life2 :\
  13. P

    I was right about weapons

    kolor12 message me on aim(poisonspider35) or msn([email protected])
  14. P

    vALVE Support Army.

    yeah eyah yea! its bad that this happened ok but all this "i plegdge a legeaaancece" crap is totally anoying me just delete this thread
  15. P

    there is no beta,unless there is sloid proof

    the beta is out....
  16. P

    You guys know what would be TOTALLY AWESOME?

    a real penis enlarger would be cool, the one from batman beyond, with the painted ducks on the side, red like a sports car, like that new nissan mini van, i stole my chrome rims from a bum, can you dig it?
  17. P

    Source Code . question

    coding huh? noones gonna do anything with it the only thing is maybe they will see some info about the game (i think)
  18. P

    HL2, CS, TF2 Weapons and Classes Released! *SPOILERS*

    i actually hope thats all real, sounds cool
  19. P

    Source Code . question

    i know nobody knows FORSURE if its real or not pretend it is real what could you do with it, whats it matter if its leaked.....?
  20. P

    multiplayer hl2_techdemo2 server up

    i dont understand what this is or how to connect