neh i got deppresed at school which is why i started smoking ganj and cigs i suppose it got me through the school day and because it was rebelios (cant spell)
i got susspended loads of times but never caught smoking ganj :E
cigs are pointless but i have to say that alcahol is actually quite a bad drug its addictive you can die from an over dose you can die from accidents wile being pissed and it effects your bodies in all sorts of ways including shrinking you penis and testicles :O
being gay is not natural all animals are born to have sex and young when 2 gays adobt a child the child will almost certinaly become gay and it will spread (sorry if i made it sound like a disease)
if everbody was like me i would say do all drugs just try them then stop thats what i done but most people find it hard to stop ive been smoking just normal cigs for 4 years then one day i decided to stop and that was that