The man who had his face eaten is still alive, and some pretty nasty images are floating about the internet if you wish to see them. The man who was eating was shot and killed...
As much as I enjoyed DS1 & 2, I'm having a hard time getting excited for this. Gunna wait for a gameplay trailer or something more than a screenshot or a guys helmet before getting hyped at all.
I mean the whole trayvon case in general, not just the guy trying to make a quick buck off of it. If it weren't for facebook, I never would of heard about this.
Played the demo and I have to agree that the crashing was really underwhelming. The boost seemed really pointless as well, it wasn't hard to finish first at all. The two cars I tried didn't feel like they handled too differently and the color palette seemed weird. Oh, and the stupid soundtrack... That gymkhana nonsense is back. That shit was annoying in Dirt 3 and I doubt it'll be any better here.
Guess I should put in a little update. Since girl A and I are going back to being just friends, I gave the other girl a chance. She came over to my room so we could talk about what we wanted and might have. Ended up kissing.
Home = Wrecked. I have no regrets.
Edit - Willie - no I don't teach...
Pretty much this. I have a huge collection of original xbox games. Too bad half of them aren't backwards compatible. Lot's of good looking PS3 exclusively lately and I wouldn't doubt the PS4 will have just as many (Twisted Metal (s), Yakuza games, MotorStorm etc...). 360 games are all pretty...
It's too bad she wasn't exactly happy with me. Talked to her for a while and she said we went too fast. We agreed to go back to being friends for now, and just hang out whenever we have the time. Makes sense we only get to spend one day a week together right now. Kinda hope our schedules will...