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  1. K

    wow stupid people at gamespot (the members, not the gamespot itself)

    Quit being a fanboy. You do know the Halo people are wondering why everyone is getting so worked up about a dated, overly linear FPS with no MP mode, right? And there's a lot more of them than of us.
  2. K

    Half-Life 3?...4?... Even 5?

    But HL2 took, what, 6 years? I don't think $60 every 3-4 years would be too bad. If HL3 turns out to be awful, then we don't have to buy it :)
  3. K

    lol idiot!

    It reminds me why I hate other forums so much. 90% sig pictures, 10% content.
  4. K

    The Radiohead effect

    No, he's drawing an analogy between the reaction to the albums and the reaction to HL2.
  5. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    Do 'New' then 'New text file'. You then need to call it autoexec.cfg. Make sure it's called autoexec.cfg and not autoexec.cfg.txt, if you hide extensions by default.
  6. K

    Humour behind Lemar's name

    Cheat, then you can kill it, Kleiner just acts as if nothing happened (instead of flying into a mad-scientist rage as I hoped).
  7. K

    The Radiohead effect

    I'm not sure about your analogy - i'd say it was the opposite of that. The Radiohead case was when they moved on from one style of music to another. The problem was that people wanted one thing and got another, something they weren't really expecting. In HL2 they gave us something that was...
  8. K

    Can you get the blue gravity gun early in the game?

    change to level that has it, pick it up, then changelevel back to the one you want and do give_physcannon (or impulse 101). This question has bee n asked 10 times a day for the last week so prepare for flame damage :)
  9. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    You have to enter it in autoexec.cfg to make it permanent I think.
  10. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    Good detective work! That's probably as good as it's going to get.
  11. K

    ATI Beta Drivers question???

    It's linked off the news site, I don't think he means you can stream them via Steam or anything:
  12. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    On reflection I'm not sure the time is that far off compared to what you should be getting. Can you run something with a hard drive benchmark to test against? If you turn texture detail/etc right down and retest what do you get then?
  13. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    That looks ok, joule. Can you remind us what your system specs are? (Mine are 3200+ AMD64, 1GB RAM, 7200 drive). Thinking about it, *if* you only have a 5400 drive and a ~2 GHz processor, I would guess you should expect about 1:30-1:40? Anyone with a similar setup to joule who can comment?
  14. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    Ok, google seems to say 5400, but I take your word for it :) Holy-mother-of-crap that's long! Edit - Ok, if I 'start new game' and click on 'point insertion' it takes 50 seconds to load. I've not played HL2 today so it's not cached. You want the one your HD is on, so maybe primary IDE.
  15. K

    ATI Beta Drivers question???

    Not sure what yours are, but the beta ones are the 019253e ones that Steam offers. I'd go for that.
  16. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    It's hard to say because it depends which ATA drivers you have installed (standard/Nvidia/etc), keep looking around. Ok, so it's 5400 RPM with a 2MB cache. That's naturally going to be slower than a 7200 RPM with a better setup.
  17. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    Ok. Firstly, to be honest, things like drive fragmentation and memory tuning don't normally make enormous amounts of difference on well-run systems. It is worth running a benchmark (such as sisoft sandra or whatever) that lets you compare with other computers - just to check that there is...
  18. K

    Cons of HL2

    Interesting that you say that. Movie's are non-interactive entertainment - you sit back with your popcorn for 90 minutes and be passively entertained. Computer games are supposed to be interactive. Now, obviously HL2 is interactive - but for a lot of the game you're whisked along on rails where...
  19. K

    *** Official Ending Poll. Like It Or Hate It? ***

    Hey, good find, thanks. First my problem is not with 'depth', but with 'direction'. The last thing I want is one of those games with hour long cutscenes telling you the 'story'. I want a good story and to shoot people with my supergravgun. I just felt the ending could have given us a little...
  20. K

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    Loading isn't great in general, but I'd say nearer 10-15 seconds for me. Certainly nowhere near minutes. Some thoughts: Have you got DMA turned on for all drives? What's your AGP aperture size in the BIOS?