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  1. MrWhite


    is this rigged so i cant even log out? ewhat is going on
  2. MrWhite


    Well I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. I cannot talk about it freely. If you dont want to honor my wish then fine there's nothing I can do. I guess it won't matter anyway. Goodbye.
  3. MrWhite


    if you live in canada, YOur fine. Don;t go to america... I'm serious. Tell the mods to delete the marijuana thread and dont go to america
  4. MrWhite


    I can;t. To a good portion of you... If I'm right like I know I am I'm not ****ing crazy
  5. MrWhite

    Japan -Don't hate me becuase I'm american

    I want to, and I can;t explain why, but I absolutly HAVE to go. It's out of the question. I'm sorry, I don;t even want to do this but I'm orced to.
  6. MrWhite


    A and D. And E is out of the question... I can't run for prez, I'm a canadian living in NEW YORK. IS AID NEW YORK.
  7. MrWhite


    Wait, you can't just erase everything in one get go? Well then... sorry for the inconveinence... but I have to do what I have to do I guess... EDIT: Would munro be able to just get it all gone in one swipe? As he is the god of this site and whatnot.
  8. MrWhite

    Japan -Don't hate me becuase I'm american

    I guess so, it was someone with that exact name. Now please someone, delete my existence!
  9. MrWhite


    Yes. I really do.
  10. MrWhite


    Okay, look, I am not hacking my own account. I can't believe my other thread was locked without me having a chance to explain myself... It's very very important to me I erase my existance from the world and I don't have alot of time... don't close this, just please permaban me and remove all...
  11. MrWhite

    Japan -Don't hate me becuase I'm american

    Don't get me wrong, I love russia and find the culture very interesting. But the language is some ****ed up shit. All of the characters look like variations of I. NOW, PLEASE BAN ME. I DONT HAVE ALOT OF TIME FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST I DIDN'T HACK MY OWN ACCOUNT I'LL GET ON AIM TO PROVE IT JUST...
  12. MrWhite

    I Demand!

    I demand you (perma-) ban me right away! And delete all of my posts! Pronto! Get moving! DO IT. This is no joke either, I'm being 100% serious. Make me not exist. And goodbye everyone, I'll see you all in another place at another, undisclosed, time. It's been a good couple of years here... I...
  13. MrWhite

    Vatican Cardinal: Listen to What Modern Science Has to Offer

    I've seen that movie at least 5 times. Quantem physics never cease to amaze me.
  14. MrWhite

    Japan -Don't hate me becuase I'm american

    Not to mention that english is the hardest language to learn (atleast, besides russian, i mean seriously wtf russian?): With all of its contradictions, slang that has become so well known its been added to the dictionary (like ain't), and very loose form. Almost every other language (besides...
  15. MrWhite

    Japan -Don't hate me becuase I'm american

    On the contrary, I've always thought Japan tries so hard to be like America.
  16. MrWhite

    Doom4! 1st Screenshot!

    Looks more like something from Quake
  17. MrWhite

    Doom4! 1st Screenshot!

    Dear god, collect yourselves. You made me sad, I thought it was real because I didn't read what you said at first, but then someone mentioned the fact that it was too-light. Which is true, so, no D4. Yeah, I've seen these things over and over and they only make me want to see the real game...
  18. MrWhite

    Canadian Sponsership scandle and the Gomery report could be deadly to Canada

    Oh I remember the french trying to seperate. Silly isn't it? And hell, I was born and raised canadian and I cannot say we have a better army with a straight face, I don't know what you're talking about.
  19. MrWhite

    Americans: GeekSquad

    I go to best buy for games, computer parts, and other electronics so I've seen them alot. A friend of mine who's in college is in geeksquak (as a CIA agent... yes they have job listing sby "special agent" and whatnot, ridiculous.) However, he knows what he's doing and taught me how to build...
  20. MrWhite

    Your home page

    Homepage: Yahooka Why?: Keeps me updated on cheap prices for vaporizors.