after i climb almost to the top of the ladder it throws me off :|
finnaly got passed it: you gotta climb to the very top and then turn around and jump off.
I dunno where to go after that, you just continue and theres a wall with a face on it and nowhere else to go ;\
It's going to be great when it releases into the final version
Intersting article on it ;]
The steam update just came on, and all my mods are dissapeared. but something even STRANGER than that is the fact that the CSS beta appeared on my account
I installed it and im going to see if it works ;o
the css beta is the DYNAMIC WEAPON PRICING beta
It's played when you get out of ravenholm and get to the rebel base by the coast after you fight off a bunch of combine soldiers that were attacking the base.
some small things i noticed in the videos
I noticed that they were playing at the viewmodel_fov at about 60 or 64
And i noticed that the pistol at the end of video 5 actually has RECOIL
oh and rofl, i noticed that the player in video 5 had a "buddha" command that only let him go down to...
:\ i cant activate it. It gave me a key and when i use it, it tells me
Too many activations on different PCs have been performed with the entered Registration Code. No further activations are allowed.
*sigh* they give me a key, i wait 3 hours to download it, install it and then i try to put in...