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  1. D

    Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

    Somehow I am not convinced that CS:S is the only multipplayer mode shipping with hl2, despite what that reviewer said.
  2. D

    Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn

    I don't really care for straight dm anyway. I'll be very happy with just CS:S.
  3. D

    Use your heads, THINK about it for a second

    They would lose the contract for sure, not sure about getting sued. Besides, there is one more thing, the 6 months time limit is starting from when an acceptable final RC that meets the contract criteria is delivered to VUG. They could keep rejecting RCs for minor issues and delay the 6 month...
  4. D

    This is gettin crazy!!

    You know, if they release hl2 with the same graphics as hl1 but with equally good gameplay and everything else, I would still buy it for 50 bucks.
  5. D

    So, it doesn't suck?

    I think we can be pretty sure it's not going be another Daikatana.
  6. D

    Another preload tonight?

    lol what is all that animosity for? That really made me laugh. You are berating him like he's a child. Take a step back and take a deep breath.
  7. D

    What Vivendi doesn't want us to know. And why Valve needs a new publisher!

    All corporations want to make money. They need to make money. That's what the exist for, not to make gamers happy.
  8. D

    Alyx: Hot or Not?

    pfftt..everybody knows Alyx is not real. Vote Gordon.
  9. D

    McDonald introcucing HL2 !!

    Thats a good one
  10. D

    Half-Life 2 in Call of Duty: United Offensive?

    Never saw this before.
  11. D

    so WILL VU delay the game for 6 months? *poll inside*

    More reason to get the game/future titles from Steam. Get the damn middle man out of the picture.
  12. D

    Trouble in Paradise Pt. 2

    If VUG does delay the game as a bargaining strategy, I'll buy hl2 through Steam.
  13. D

    Trying to Get a Tour of Valve

    It might have worked in the past cause a lot of people have gotten tours of Valve. Right now they might be just too busy. You might have a much better chance once it goes gold, then again, they might all go on a long holiday once it does.
  14. D

    Info from gamestop

    lol is that doug lombardi? You gotta send him that gif if it is.
  15. D

    Info from gamestop

    That would be awesome.
  16. D

    PC gamer review prediciotns

    100 percent
  17. D

    What is taking Vivendi so damn long?

    LOL!! pure ownage
  18. D

    Post your Amusing Dawn of War Pics :)

    Played the demo and loved it. The unit graphics are particularly good. Getting the game this week.
  19. D

    Half-Life 2 engine licensed for MMORPG

    No screenshots yet. Was hoping to see what source could do for an MMO game.
  20. D

    Big time lawsuits brewing between Valve and Vivendi

    Where did you get that 10% figure from?