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  1. M


    I've been trying to get Steam to download HL for 2 DAYS and it just starts now! Although the transfer speed varies widley from minute to minute.
  2. M

    Games won't download

    So I instaled Steam 1.0 and figured I'd try a game of Half-Life. When it was copying Half-LIfe into the Steam Cache it crashed. So, my cache file was corrupted. I told steam to remove HL from the cache and now I"m trying to re-cache it and it won't do anything even remotely related to...
  3. M

    How long does Steam 1.0 take to install?

    I restarted the computer and it seems to be working now, except I can't play any games...
  4. M

    How long does Steam 1.0 take to install?

    So far the "Create Account" portion of the Steam installation is taking over an hour. Right now its stuck on Preloading some files or something. I was wondering if this was normal or not.
  5. M

    New Video

    Next in line!!!
  6. M

    New Video

    W00t! I only have to wait 25 mins to download!
  7. M

    New Video

    Sorry for all the blanks, only mods and admins can use the delete post function.
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    New Video

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    New Video

  10. M

    New Video

    Wow, VERC is even slower than! -=Edit=- KEWL! I got the download page to work!!! Now if only the download would start...
  11. M

    Directx HL2 article

    [EDIT] See above link
  12. M

    Will my toaster run HL2?????

    LOL! I think the Toast Control app is the first XML based app to support the "evil" bit(RFC 3514, mentioed in several Slashdot stories).
  13. M

    Will my toaster run HL2?????

    All I have is a crappy toaster with an ATI Bagle128 Pro lever that only supports 16 slices and a 1.2 Baglehertz ATD(Advanced Toasting Devices) Burnon heating element! It barely does 28 spm(slices pre minute) on the original Half-Life in OpenTL(Open Toasting Language) @ 640x480 slice size! I'm...
  14. M

    another video

    Do you have the manual for your mobo? You'll need that if you're selecting a replacement CPU. Most mobos have a max clock frequency(CPU MHz/GHz) and there are different types of CPU sockets. What the max clock frequency is and what kind of socket your mobo has are the first things you need to...
  15. M

    New movie out!

    .torrent: NOTE: This is only a temperary torrent and will stop working in about 3 to 4 hours. To download get a bit torrent client. I reccoment either the official one( or...
  16. M

    How many times you have watched HL2 bink movies?

    I'm making a DVD of the videos(I just got a new burner) so I watch the videos right after they're release, after I convert them to MPEG-2(DVD format) when I'm adding them into the DVD-Authoring software and then again when I play them back on my DVD player.
  17. M

    This is real sad....

    Could you post a link to your version so we can compare them?
  18. M

    Codename:Gordon Trailer!

    Thats because its in MPEG2. If you have DVD player software then try it in that. Or goto and get the DivX version.
  19. M

    easter egg in the movies?

    Heres an enhanced version of the shot SilentKilla posted: (attached).
  20. M

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    Hmm... seems to work fine in that, but I don't like the DivX player.