Will my toaster run HL2?????

Ugh... that really sounds nasty! (I'll have to try it sometime... not the ketchup though...)
Actually i've never tryed the ketchup on icecream either, but I knew a person who loved it.
Maybe you don't need 4 slots. Just get another two-slot, with DDR support ;]
Well Im burning my copy of Hl2 in my toaster because Im a cheapass.
holy shit, 85 posts for this???

there must really be no HL2 news lately.
This is definately the funniest thread I've seen for quite some time. You all remind me of the commercial where the people start cheering for and geting autographs from the guy who bring out cinnamon rolls at hotels.:cheers:
Is the Antialiatoasting problems been fixed for the Nvutella GeToast and ABI Roasteon?
I didnt feel like reading this whole thing, I just wanted to repeat that the human eye cant tell ANYTHING, I REPEAT ANYTHING above 30-33 TPS. No matter what! Of course, it is bottle necked by the eject rate but as long as its above 70 ejr your fine. Of course, there is the whole tearing thing, but that is for another day.
If you want to check if HL2 will run on your toaster, just get a recent game (such as UT2k3 or GTA vice city) and put the CD in your toaster. If it runs ok, then you'll have no problem with HL2. Try it now!
can I get get a toaster that can play toast, icecream, french fires and tomato sauce at the same time?
I bet it will be very expensive.
But if you got the money, I suggest the apple toasters. they make pretty good fruits too.
OMG this thread one of the most pointless ever, has no flameing after 7 pages and is still ontopic.

Makeing this the most civilised discussion in the general section scince HL2 was released...

OH GOD I'M SO ASHAMED my spaming heritage has been completely ruined.

All I have is a crappy toaster with an ATI Bagle128 Pro lever that only supports 16 slices and a 1.2 Baglehertz ATD(Advanced Toasting Devices) Burnon heating element! It barely does 28 spm(slices pre minute) on the original Half-Life in OpenTL(Open Toasting Language) @ 640x480 slice size! I'm planning on upgrading the lever to an ATI Rolleon 9600 when I get enough money but I'm not sure if that will be enough to get HL2 running at a decent slice-rate on my crappy toaster.
Fry's is having a sale on Rolleon 9800 Pros that seem to have the fastest lever. I also hear that nVidia cheated in the toastathon 2003 competition.
At least they're better than some integrated toaster that came with your kitchen. A real pain in the ass to upgrade.
oh man, another one of those "will-my-toaster-run-hl2" threads :flame:
check the sticky
no! fun thread ;D I laughed a lot :D

if you want flaming I suggest you go for the Kenwood 69er. If won't play HL2. But it might run steam on it.
*sigh* you nubs

I got the Ultimate ToasterWare with a ATI POS9800 lightly buttered and a 20 ft extension cable (o man did that hurt my wallet :borg: (hey a new borg thingy)) 8 slots, DOUBLE PLUGS!, 99999fans so the super duber music looper sound system doesnt explode AND TO TOP IT OFF I CAN MAKE TOAST WITH IT TOO!!!! EAT WHILE YOU PLAY!!!!
I'm definately going to upgrade my toaster. I want to be sure to see the biozeminades at full quality. :bounce:
I sent back my liquid propellant heating system - It only got the grill plate up about 10 degrees over max. I think I'll spring for a Toastoleon Carbonshards Toastmaster classic accessory kit - worth every penny. Lets see you Ngrillia fanboys top that!

btw WTF are you on about? Everybody knows that the human tongue can't taste more than 65 tps. I can't actually find any proof on the toasternet, but hey- everybody knows it already. Try this: wave your tongue in front of your toaster. If you taste separate slices, and not a single one, then you can detect over 65. It's Not gonna happen folks!
it's a good thing post counts don't exist anymore.... or else people might just be posting here to bump up their post count......

And... um... I know this is actually quite a civilised thread, but why is it still in 'General Discussion'? It's not like the mods to make such big exceptions, is it? :E
Originally posted by Logic
it's a good thing post counts don't exist anymore.... or else people might just be posting here to bump up their post count......

And... um... I know this is actually quite a civilised thread, but why is it still in 'General Discussion'? It's not like the mods to make such big exceptions, is it? :E

because we're generally discussing whether or not HL2 will run on my toaster :cheese:
Well, I haven't been able to get any games running on my toaster lately, so I don't think HL2 will run on mine. I think I need some fans or a new cooling system - mine seems to overheat as soon as I start installing a game.
But as valve said, hl2 will run on slower toasters too. It will support the best toasters as well as the suckiest ones. So you wont have to upgrade your toaster, if its ok for you to have OK graphics.
my toaster still runs pong and that's all I need. It also functions as a pretty decent word processor.

Sometimes I think about overclocking my toaster just to see how black I can get my toast...I'm so deeevious!
TOASTERMASTER !))))))! (that is 10000 to you foos who dont hold the shift button)