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  1. Computer5k

    Anyone gotten this error before? Too many verts

    The only errors I get are memory when I make a ginormous pile of explosive barrels :D
  2. Computer5k

    OMG...221 downloadable games for the Rev!!!

    Free games is always good. Super Mario Bros for NES is truly the shiznit.
  3. Computer5k

    The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter Update

    They had a big one a week ago :P
  4. Computer5k

    System Shock 2

    Downloading copyrighted mateerial is never legal :P Companies usually just don't care about games they no longer sell :D
  5. Computer5k

    Blender 2.37

    With lots of fun new stuff :D
  6. Computer5k

    Google knows all tbh Stolen from another nameless forum :D
  7. Computer5k

    Nintendo Revolution

    Graphics taking a small hit shouldn't matter much with RE4. That is quite possibly the best looking console game i've ever seen :D Even with a few less polygons it should look just fine :P Ans SSB online sold the Revolution for me :D
  8. Computer5k

    Xbox Live education video

    Giving everyone who has internet access on a game a mic is a pretty bad idea :P I dont have XBL, but a lot of my firends do, and it seems to be full of pretty crazy people(one person constantly saying '******' for a complete 20-minute game :P) EDIT: silly racism filter :D that the n word for...
  9. Computer5k

    I plan to shut down valve dash

    Is the pic goatse or what? If it is I have no intention of going there :P
  10. Computer5k

    First game that will be gotten for all consoles?

    Haven't really been looking at new games, it would just make me want to console sooner :P, but I'd say next SSb for Revolution definately :D
  11. Computer5k

    Who are they to think...

    Yea they are. I saw an ad on a tv special about peta with text"Your mommy kills bunnies." With a drawing of a lady holding down a small rabbit with one hand and a large butcher knife in the other :P
  12. Computer5k

    AGEIA Demo's | Real time water ( using PPU )

    Here's some real0time fluid for yall :), open-source too :D
  13. Computer5k

    Which Consoles Are You Getting?

    Because it will not be far below the other two in graphics, and it can play every nintendo game EVER.
  14. Computer5k

    Which Consoles Are You Getting?

    Revolution ftw.
  15. Computer5k


    same difference :P
  16. Computer5k

    Zelda: Twilight Princess -All Known Information And Movies-

    I have a n64+cartridges that play them flawlessly, and my majora's mask cart is golden and hologramish :D
  17. Computer5k

    Weekly Steam News (20/05/05);jsessionid=ac112b801f4303b0974142034b1996ecc9a47e903de7.qQvJq2PEmlnva30N-BbQmkLz-ATzr6Lzn6rzqwTxpQOUc30KaNDNo6XKq6zInRmLa3iL8RbCpR0HoA5Qmh0KaMTNo6XK-kDvrA4Ka3aIqRnvp6iIpAjOp6jynQjM-AbJpgaLc3aRb3ySc3mT8Oexo6XHngbynknvrkLOlQzNp65In0__?sc=8&category=-108&it=A&id=15
  18. Computer5k

    Weekly Steam News (20/05/05)

    The aliasing looks messed up on that pic, cant quite tell why, though.
  19. Computer5k

    HL2 Xbox E3 video

    Look at 34 secondsw in the video. Gordon has he revolver, but at that point in the game you only have a regular 9mm :P
  20. Computer5k


    You need the tempest game pak for gmax so you can export md2 files, then convert it from a md2 to something XSI can import, like 3ds. But XSI might be able to import md2, havent chacked :P