Search results

  1. AciD

    Real Life G-Man

    How to make a G-man: 1)find old man that still got hair 2)put him into blue suit Voila! You got your own G-man!
  2. AciD

    L4D Easter Eggs

    Well, this IS an easter egg since those guys are Valve employees.
  3. AciD

    Problem With Starting HL2

    Take a look at this post.
  4. AciD

    Half Life 2 Gets C++ Error

    Yes, it is a solution for this specific error.
  5. AciD

    Problem with HL2 on new PC

    Are you using Vistax64 or XP x64?
  6. AciD

    Left 4 Dead Blog - Art Direction Part 2

    Well, this blog post as well as that video is basing on this PDF.
  7. AciD

    Left 4 Dead Blog - Art Direction Part 2

    There is new post on Left 4 Dead blog, if you haven't seen it yet follow this link.
  8. AciD

    Half Life 2 Gets C++ Error

    Go to Windows/system32 and delete file named engine.dll.
  9. AciD

    Baby picture in Gordons locker

    Har har. It's baby of a Valve employee.
  10. AciD

    some of my textures are invisible

    Are you using 64bit version of Source?
  11. AciD

    Half-Life 2 Vista sound loop problem

    No problem ;)
  12. AciD

    some of my textures are invisible

    Have you tried Verifying GCF Cache Files?
  13. AciD Launched

    Their logo is *quite* similar to SteamFriends logo.... Funny thing is that they don't have SF listed there...
  14. AciD

    Bots On Expert Are Acting Like They Are On Easy!

    What they are supposed to do with knifes? Chop cake? They are trying to reach you so they can attack you.
  15. AciD

    L4D Graphics Good

    TRS took out most useful commands including graphic commands. For example mat_picmip(texture quality setting) is still present in engine and used by game but we can't use it...
  16. AciD

    Half-Life 2 Vista sound loop problem

    Have you tried Verifying GCF Cache Files?
  17. AciD

    Source Settings Adjustment Utility for Consistent Entertainment (Source Sauce)

    I used it to set resolution in all Valve games to 1680x1050, it's damn nice when you don't need to change res when you run game first time.
  18. AciD

    HL2: Wont load Black Mesa East - end of water hazard

    That would be: map d1_eli_01
  19. AciD

    Source Settings Adjustment Utility for Consistent Entertainment (Source Sauce)

    Sweet tool, I saw it earlier at SteamPowered forums.
  20. AciD

    Half Life 2 Missing Objects

    No problem ;)